General Discussion

General DiscussionIs PA ungankable?

Is PA ungankable? in General Discussion

    Because of blur. I never really
    Understood how it works. Can he detect heroes nearby with it?

    Bonus question: is shadow fiend the worst ganker with a shadow blade becuz of his passive ?

    Bonus oracle question:
    U mean u can actually tell
    From the visual if u have more heal vs dmg?


      PA is hard to gank but not exactly the hardest
      You can still hover your screen right on her to check her out
      SF's aura doesn't have that much of a radius, plus it won't affect your enemies if you're not detected a.k.a spooked


        AM, QoP, and SS are much more cancerous to gank @_@

        casual gamer

          ^^ I never look at the oracle visual lul, with enough damage it turn completely red even if they live

          Pale Mannie

            morphling is almost impossible to gank without silences and chainstuns

            casual gamer

              ^ much less so before ult lvl 1 and before max str morph


                Answer to Q1:

                It would make more sense to have 1 or 2 disablers in your team. So, if you want to gank PA efficiently, make sure those disablers are around. Easy life. If you want to gank a PA with BKB, do it before she activates that. Or, Immunity piercing skills like, Primal Roar (BM) or Hookshot (CW) will be handy too.

                Answer to Q2:

                Smart enemies will be aware of any ganking heroes with Shadowblade and like @bws said, the radius is not that of a bugger. how about an Eul -> Ult combo? Disclaimer, I dont play SF a lot.

                Answer to Q3:

                Same as @JDF8 "^^ I never look at the oracle visual lul, with enough damage it turn completely red even if they live"


                  By impossible to gank I mean if the pa player watches his blur icon he can effectively dodge ganks 100% of the time no?

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                    The Icon always Shows up on your own Team. No?


                      Oh. I'm not a pa player. So it is always there if u r the pa?

                      I <3 lady music

                        you can definitely gank pa. it takes a lot of practice to constantly watch the blur icon. further, she has no true escape. so its a little difficult to gank her in lane DEPENDING ON THE TIME ON THE CLOCK. Creep waves spawn and arrive at the tier one tower every 30 seconds (at 00 and 30 on the clock). So you try to gank her when the creep wave is not near her although you often dont watch the clock prior to gank yourself. Its just something to be aware of. PA's kit is actually more like a strength hero's in the sense that when you're pa you aren't really supposed to be in and out of the fight like an antimage or slark. Its more like a huskar's or a wraithking's. You dive into the fight, and you only leave under under one of two conditions: first, everyone on the enemy team is dead, or second, you're dead. The current way of playing pa with the deso and vlads is great. its not a totally new build but it wasn't played as the standard build until this patch, to my knoweldge, at least not in the past 3 years. However, pa's who want to maintain usefullness into the late game will need to build more survivability items than just the vlads or the vlads abyssal. i dont play pa much anymore, her dagger has been buffed an insane amount since i used to play her regularly like 2 years ago (6 second cooldown. even if the dagger did almost no dmg but still crit, like it used to, but had a six second cooldown it would be insane) but i feel like pa basically shouldn't be building any dmg items. battlefury for farm, hotd bkb, satanic abyssal skadi in some order. Evasion is pretty much a crap skill after twenty minutes if the enemy team is going to be rushing mkb anyway.

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                        Dire Wolf

                          uh I don't think the blur icon is enough to counter ganks, I mean usually someone is in your lane already anyway. And blur level 1 is only 20%, which is good, it's 25% more ehp, but compare that to armor like on a sven. warcry level 1 is 5 armor which is 30% more ehp. Of course it wears off and the dodge chance is more streaky but you get the idea.


                            SOLO MMR 1325


                              ^ Yeah he's 1325 but what is worse is that you are smurfing and are still in normal skill bracket, what a catastrophe.


                                He's 1300 MMR but is willing to improve, taking the hard path of reaching high MMR with grinding, while you're just another cocky delusional pleb who thinks he's good and deserves VHS but gets dragged down by noob teammates, then proceeds to create a smurf account and fails miserably


                                  Q1: If there are no enemy heroes within 1600 range of PA, she gets the blur status icon and she visually becomes blurry. If an enemy comes within that radius then she loses the icon AND the blurry visual effect, so any decent PA player should notice it. It detects invisible and spell immune enemies if they become invisible/spell immune when already in the radius however if they become invisible/spell immune outside the radius then enter the radius it will not detect them.
                                  As someone mentioned above, 1600 is a pretty massive range, so in laning phase your laning opponents will probably have the blur effects permanently deactiveated. It becomes more useful when you're in your jungle or at Rosh and you see it disappear. Then you know someone is near you.

                                  Q2. SF's Presence of the dark lord actually behaves weirdly. Most auras do not show the icon if you cant see the enemy hero. His Aura DOES show the debuff icon when enemies cant see him according to the wiki. Since it has 900 range (same as Mekanism AOE) it may be possible to see an invis SF coming if you're paying attention to your hero's status effects.

                                  Q3. Not 100% sure about this one but I remember some casters at TI mentioning this. The way its meant to work is the visual is meant to tell you if you will be damaged or healed at the end of False Promise. Green Should mean youre getting healed and Red/orange should mean you're taking damage. According to the casters its kinda buggy though. It will only turn green if you're getting healed by a lot. If you're gonna heal only a small amount it still remains orange, which is confusing since you think you're going to get damaged but in the end you still get a small heal. Maybe someone who plays oracle can confirm this


                                    that burn tho !!


                                      Grab a burn heal

                                      M U R D E R

                                        @bws if you think its easier to git gud by spamming 1k ranked in comparison to smurfing, you've got no idea how wrong you are.

                                        Vem Comigo

                                          MAGIC DAMAGE, most sups use nukes to gank people, pa is ded on the screen with magic, even if she hugs the tower or tp back to base she is losing farm, and if a hero is near her in lane she wont see it comming.

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                                          Riguma Borusu


                                            Why are you still in normal skill if smurfing lets you improve?

                                            M U R D E R

                                              before i started my 1st smurf i was 1k mmr. now i can easily win most games in my other 4k account.
                                              I can tell you why. I've been playing with more skilled players in most of my games, i practiced in private lobby, i've gotten some sort of lessons from highly skilled players.

                                              also you know that you can't really control your skill bracket in unranked, right? (smurf NS = smurf VHS in most cases btw, i play in both those brackets so i can tell) i created this account from same machine as my 1k account, means the starting point is 1k here. do the math yourself how much i need to win to climb out.
                                              im not even trying though, i just play laidback to gain XP and unlock ranked, in calibration my skill bracket will be determined.

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                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                How do you end up in normal skill after 125 matches if you have a 4k account you can easily play on? That makes no fucking sense. I would probably be able to end up in 3.5k+ if I started a new account, by the virtue of having a pretty easy time of it in unranked and having experience in ranked 4k as well on friend's accounts. What I could NOT do, however, is have skill of a 4k player, start a new account, and end up in normal skill. That's pretty much beyond my capabilities unless I intentionally feed or throw games.

                                                And yes, you can control your skill bracket in unranked, it works exactly like ranked. That's why I know it's around 3.8k, because sometimes I play VHS and sometimes it's HS matches. It is not really relevant at this point, though. But if you started that smurf 2 months ago that means you haven't really improved past the normal skill level, otherwise you would've owned the games so hard you would have to be placed much higher in unranked as well. Another option is that you went from NS to a VHS player in two months you've been playing on that account which is actually bullshit, because in that case your winrate would have been at least 70% at this point, and this week you only have 52% winrate on that account.

                                                The only explanation that could work is that you always play ns unranked with friends and they are really really bad beyond saving, which is kinda the way I can indeed lose normal skill games myself.

                                                M U R D E R

                                                  yeah but i started this account before i had 4k account.

                                                  If i played only riki (which is the only hero i actually learned to play relatively well), i'd win everything. my 1st game was riki, 2nd game high skill. but i don't give a fuck and play a hero i never played before in my life in that high skill match (still had ez mid tho).

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                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    How did you obtain it?

                                                    M U R D E R

                                                      traded it. at first i was losing, but later i got the hang of it and started winning most of my games. problem in that bracket is that it's filled with smurfs who suck even more than i do too, and when i got muted in low priority, i just tilted and quit that acc.

                                                      just to say, yasp puts this account @3k

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