General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti-Mage Skillbuild

Anti-Mage Skillbuild in General Discussion

    So... I've seen some pros going for 1-1-1-1 build with 2 points in stat on lvl 6, why exactly do they build that way? What advantage that it gives? When should I build the skills that way and when should I do the usual 1-4-1-1 build by lvl 7?


      either u go 2-1-1-1 if u need mana burn

      1-1-1-1 if u dont

      1-1-0-1 if they ahve no magic damage(very rare)

      Always get last point blink at level 10


        @girls day
        I'm asking WHY should I build like that, what good does it gives compared to other builds
        You haven't answered that


          U shouldnt have ur blink 4 by the lvl 7. U should have blink lvl 4 when u get BF

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            Thanks for the clarification plyo


              hey ywn, i know the max blink by 10 is standard, but whats the advantage it gives over just 1-1-1-1 and pure stats @10? i mean even with fury treads raindrops you cant spam blinks non stop without running out of mana so wouldnt the overall farm you get be the same? i guess its less likely you get caught with blink on cd while farming. i feel like i rather have more stats to be tanky but maybe im just being dumb idk

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                You can still blink nonstop for like 3 to 4 minutes before you run out of mana I think
                1-1-1-1 at 10 feels abit too overkill imo
                And also less chance of getting caught while blink is on cd




                    I used to go 4 1 1 1
                    Seems too fight oriented imo


                      Get 4-1-1-1 and get an orb of venom, have a support gank and you will get a kill 9 out of 10 times, I tried 1-1-1-1 at level 7 but it just doesn't make sense to me.


                        Well seems like I get more confused about AM build from this thread lmao


                          4 points in Mana Break do nothing when your victim already has no mana. This is why stats are better.


                            Do you guys still go for vlads after BF with the 1 1 1 1 build? Or is it a waste since by the time you have BF you'd already have enough stats to sustain yourself for farming? Or it's just a trash item for AM?
                            Holy shit I feel like I'm asking too much


                              Vanguard >>> Vlad

                              Vic Romano

                                It has to do with item timings and ability to stay in lane. The points in stats help with farming neutrals and not dying to ganks. Also, as an AM you don't need all your skills maxed right away even though it would be nice, sometimes stats are better. You want blink maxed by the time you get bfury, mana break by manta and spell shield after, so if I dont have my bfury at 5 minutes, it's hard to justify more points in blink unless the lane is hard when stats just make me harder to take down. You don't want 1-1-1-1 at 10, you always want 1-4-1-1 by then at least and that's what I usually do. It can always change slightly, but ideally you don't need the point in spell shield or mana break early.

                                casual gamer

                                  1111 is the standard build. you can't get more than 3 stat lvls because you need lv 4 blink @ lvl 10

                                  stats benefit you a lot more than additional mana burn usually, if you need more manaburn you might skill 2111 but more manaburn than that is almost always wasteful


                                    what they said above^^

                                    imma add this: you can do also 4-4-1-1 if you need to fight midgame




                                        u max blink by 10 because u need to have it when u get your bf, and you also have to skill ult at 11. So since lvl 11 -> 12 is 2200 EXP if u dont have blink maxed u will likely not have it when u finish ur bf which will slow you a lot


                                          ^what if u get gf instead of bf? do u still max blink? do u want to blink from ur gf? LUL

                                          Fox McCloud

                                            What i DON'T understand is why pros dont' max Mana Burn by the time they get Manta.

                                            I get only getting a value point or 2 during the early game in favor of stats.

                                            But by the time I'm about to get Manta I don't see the point of forgoing so much extra damage and mana void potential.

                                            bot hard mute

                                              ^ because usually u want to farm and splitpush till u have all ur items. stats give u more dmg against towers and lane creeps. also u get more hp, in case enemies sneak on u, but usually u should already have blinked in the trees and tp'd other side of the map.
                                              manta is a big step to teamfight, but the main purpose for manta is often to dispell nasty silence effects and again deal good tower dmg.

                                              also i dont think <5k mmr players should copy all those pro builds, especially for certain heroes like am or alche for example.


                                                why u need ulti in early level? i think 2 point or more of mana break make jungle lot faster.
                                                normal skill 2 cent


                                                  People take ult whenever they can to help teamfights if it happens quite near to the AM
                                                  He can turn a teamfight with a mana void,but not with hitting people to death in the early stage of the game


                                                    In my opinion, 1-1-1-1 is the standard stat build for AM but it can be change depends on the opponent hero you will fight in lane. Most of the pros use the 1-1-1-1 because they focus on farming and 2 if you add 2 bonus stat = 4 str 4 agi 4 int , it will helps your damage in doing right click and give you more hp for survivability. Its like when you are level 7 with str treads is more or less 1k hp and it was good enough for am to sustain his lane until you get bf. If you want to learn more about AM Miracle. Dont copy him try to learn from him.


                                                      1-1-1 for easy offlanes and pure farming

                                                      2-1-1 if you ever trade hits with offlaner

                                                      I've gone 3-1-1 against faceless void before.

                                                      Blink maxed by 10 but you can max it earlier if you want to.

                                                      If for some reason you are buying vanguard first get an OOV and go 4-4-1-1 at level 10.