General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to recover from loss streak?

How to recover from loss streak? in General Discussion

    So i was 3.7k 2 weeks ago and started losing games like crazy at one point i started throwing too cuz of that losing mentality i am at 3.1k now stopped ranked for a week and now gonna start playing again some advice and tips would really help ty

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    Livin' Real Good

      wow, that's harsh, you probably played when you were filled with anger. You were in low priority, I can tell you raged.

      The only tip I can give you is don't let the anger take over, once that happens, say good bye to 500+ MMR.


        Get your behavior score on like 8 k b4 u play ranked


          Always stop playing rank if you have 2 consecutive losses in a row, you're already tilted after that, Just chill man


            Just have a positive attitude :-)

            I once played with friend who named himself "DONT TALK BECAUSE I HAVE MUTED YOU" or something similiar stupid. You can guess how his attitude towards other people was..I think I lost 6-7 of 10 games with him.

            Just for example, I lost now two games in a row and I am slowly getting tilted to be honest. (Games were disappointing)

            But I know that this afternoon I will play one or two matches with big smile on my face and an open mic :-)


              if you achieved this mmr

              you'll achieve it again


                i dropped from 5k to 4.3k 3 months ago (i had 9k behaviour so it doesnt matter)
                now i'm 5k again
                losing streaks happen, but if you're good you will recover
                just keep calm and play your best heroes (i think a guy with 600 invoker games can easily climb at 3k mmr)

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                    Go praying ask god g7ving you


                      700mmr is a lot tbh. Isn't the skill difference supposed to be huge? Unless u r saying 3.1 and 3.7 isn't very different lol. I can understand 5k and 4.3 is possible if u r having a streak of bad performance though..


                        @Jacked You are right dont even remember how i lost so much now that i think but maybe its cuz i started giving up and was playing very angry minded and after losing like 10 or 14 games was like fuck it dont care bout my mmr then did not even see my mmr and was just queing for just a win and not even trying that hard and lost like 5 more games was like wtf when i saw my mmr showing 3.1k and stopped playing for almost a week now startting again and very scared cuz dont ever want to see 2k again in my screen and think of smurfing

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                          you cant affect your luck, losing streaks will happen. but don't mind them

                          anyways, recently i had a game where i pretty much solo 1v9 won with a clutch teamfight, amazing performance

                          and the next game someone went mid, fed couple of kills and then abandoned. rest of my team dc and i was a support so i couldnt do anything alone.

                          so yea, you can't affect luck

                          shit happens, so learn to live with it

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                          ☆Fhark Off☆

                            pray hard you don't get matched up with p***y team mates.

                            inst:  MissMissclick

                              and here i am on some retarded win streak getting carried every game. =\


                                You learn from each loss and come back stronger
                                Also don't play when you're tilted
                                POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE
                                When skill or draft isn't enough to win you games,attitude will
                                Make your team play better,motivate them,etc
                                Won't always work but worth the try
                                I also hate being the big reason that the team wins the game most of the time ,but that's just how MMR works


                                  That's nothing. I went down from 4.4k to almost 3.4k. : D 3.8k now


                                    Well seems like i'm very lucky to only have -75 MMR as max loss streak


                                      imma dropped from 4.1k to 3.8k in one week, guess it wasn't that bad though.



                                      Look m8 what i just found

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                                        this is my friend acc and he already quit dota xD


                                          Played with a solo player name a while ago. If its you u drserve to lose


                                            @ Dick The Quick

                                            Damn mate I raped you :D


                                              Lmao that sven from your team
                                              True afk farmer xd


                                                A throw gone south.


                                                And they didn't even report me. Now i feel bad.

                                                And here i thought losing 75 mmr is bad enough

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                                                  I came down from 3969 to 3465 in 2 days coz of the same shit "anger" after loosing 2 3 games in a behaviour sucked i started flaming on ppl..Hoping next game i will win i only came back to 3688 as i got stuck in 3.5 for 4 days..i m a support player and when carries dont perform well to my good early ganks i start flaming tryna cope up with that attitude but yeah anger = -500 mmr thats true

                                                  Vem Comigo

                                                    from what i gathered, there are mmr lvl that are very similar
                                                    0-1.5k - doesnt understand basic concepts, too much rage, no teamwork.

                                                    1.5k-2k - gets the basics, this is the first trench, because this we get the first tryhards, still a lot of rage (even more bcse od teh tryhards) and no teamwork

                                                    2k-3k - they know all the basics and even some "pro" things about dota, but the most lacking thing is the ability to do those things, we start seing some teamwork, but it is still rare, the first sup players start here, where they know more about the game, but theyr mechanical skills are bad ( due to not enough time to train, and playing casual dota ).

                                                    3k-3.8k - the second trench, the sups will climb slower, but it will mantain a bigger overral winrate over the carry, this bracket is the most important one for teamwork and game knowledge, even if you are shit in your mechanical skill you can climb, tryhards are plenty, flaming is still big, and games are full with cancer heroes, at this stage some people start to focus a small group of heroes.

                                                    3.8k-4.5k - the third trench, you are almost 5k but them you fall to low 4k again, some people stay in this loop forever, because of the small hero pool that is being contested every game, this makes some people into ragers, because they can never do good enough to matain or gain mmr, in this brackets sups will probably lead the team to victory, making calls, ganking etc.

                                                    4.5k-5.5k -the final trench, from what i heard 5k is the new 4k, is almost the same thing, if you pass 5.5k you are set into a stable mmr, many people float the mmr here, you may see guys with 40% on ranked one month, and 60% the other.

                                                    5.5k plus you are a happy guy and a good player, somewhere down the line ou will start to smurf and sell accounts to 2k people.

                                                    NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO

                                                      Delete game and instal it agiain. Works for me :D


                                                        200 g of vodka is enough


                                                          how you guys know what is your behavious score or something? How can I find it out?

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            Hook And Roll 5k is the new 4k imo, especially for people who spam OP meta heroes it's very possible to raise mmr to this point even if your mechanics / decision making are not there at all


                                                              I did on high moral. If u feel like u gonna lose this one, just do not q


                                                                How do I keep a winning streak?


                                                                  But I don't wanna spam one hero.


                                                                    Watch some clq


                                                                      keep losing

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        drink vodka

                                                                        win dotka


                                                                          Thanks for the advices guys starting get my confidence back and stomping to get my mmr back and go higher :D

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                                                                          Pake ko?

                                                                            Just pick support Thats ALL!!


                                                                              My motto when I play MMR is quality not quantity improvement
                                                                              Don't play 5+ games in a day to improve, but instead analyze every second of your gameplay when you're playing, and avoid the same mistake from happening again
                                                                              A person who plays one MMR match conciously once a week will improve faster than a guy who brainlessly play MMR 10 times a day without learning from each match
                                                                              I don't want any of you guys to be stuck in NS after 2000+ hours of gameplay (I've seen enough shit)