General Discussion

General DiscussionDear players that say "K" to other players who complain about bad tea...

Dear players that say "K" to other players who complain about bad team mates in General Discussion
lm ao

    dude why are you so butthurt

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      The thing is if you have that much hero damage (80k) and 33 kills as sf it actually COMPENSATES for his poor tower damage.

      no it doesn't idiot

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        When the difference is that high between his teammates, yeah it does compensate. Whats the difference between a pushing hero wr (178 tower damage) vs the non pushing hero (sf with 1k damage)? HE EVEN BOUGHT A RAPIER HOW ARE YOU NOT PRAISING HIM. I also feel sorry for this sf and anyone similar to this sf who sacrificed 1 hour of their lives just so they can see the opposing team get a win they dont deserve!

        wait for me

          1k noob here. I feel, if you're leading the charts, you should lead your team to victory too. Getting a good tower damage and such.
          But that's 1k noob taking. So you don't have to listen to me.

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          one syllable anglo-saxon

            you're a fucking idiot this sf is literally 1k mmr all he's been doing is rightclicking other 1ks
            he just killed someone and went farming or looking for another kill instead of taking free towers

            u trade aghs for bkb and upgrade bots to lvl2, wait until your np teleports to the enemy base, tp to him and win the game

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            mom said it's my turn to ...

              The letter K comes from the Greek letter Κ (kappa), which was taken from the Semitic kap, the symbol for an open hand.[2] This, in turn, was likely adapted by Semites who had lived in Egypt from the hieroglyph for "hand" representing D in the Egyptian word for hand, d-r-t. The Semites evidently assigned it the sound value /k/ instead, because their word for hand started with that sound.[3]

              In the earliest Latin inscriptions, the letters C, K and Q were all used to represent the sounds /k/ and /g/ (which were not differentiated in writing). Of these, Q was used to represent /k/ or /g/ before a rounded vowel, K before /a/, and C elsewhere. Later, the use of C and its variant G replaced most usages of K and Q. K survived only in a few fossilized forms such as Kalendae, "the calends".[4]

              After Greek words were taken into Latin, the Kappa was transliterated as a C. Loanwords from other alphabets with the sound /k/ were also transliterated with C. Hence, the Romance languages generally use C and have K only in later loanwords from other language groups. The Celtic languages also tended to use C instead of K, and this influence carried over into Old English.

              Use in writing systems Edit

              English Edit
              Today, English is the only Germanic language to productively use "hard" ⟨c⟩ (outside of the digraph ⟨ck⟩) rather than ⟨k⟩ (although Dutch uses it in learned words of Latin origin, and the pronunciation of these words follows the same hard/soft distinction as in English).[citation needed] The letter ⟨k⟩ is usually silent at the start of an English word when it comes before the letter ⟨n⟩, as in the words "knight," "knife," "knot," "know," and "knee".

              Number Edit
              The SI prefix for a thousand is kilo-, officially abbreviated as k—for instance, prefixed to "metre" or its abbreviation m, kilometre or km signifies a thousand metres. As such, people occasionally represent the number in a non-standard notation by replacing the last three zeros of the general numeral with "K": for instance, 30K for 30,000.

              Other languages Edit
              In most languages where it is employed, this letter represents the sound /k/ (with or without aspiration) or some similar sound.

              Other systems Edit
              The International Phonetic Alphabet uses ⟨k⟩ for the voiceless velar plosive.

              PMS Mantra


                I take it all back. I am a great team mate to have.

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                  if u have time check this video this 3.6k slark has a good KDA in his game but loses the match & even if you think its not his fault , listen carefully to purge's analysis of the game to see that IT IS slark fault that he lost the game even tho he had a very high KDA ratio , it answers your topic question & anyone that thinks good KDA = you did good


                    At 1:19:20 of the video purge quotes: " YOUR TEAM'S DECISION MAKING WAS EASILY THE BIGGEST ERROR" and 1:19:30 "the individual mistakes you made as a carry were less significant than your team's decision making. Not to mention bloodseeker went e blade dagon instead of a tanky build, making him easier to kill.


                      pls we can easily all see the mistakes slarks did , the biggest one was having very poor farm despite being ahead in the game not to mention they destroyed enemy t3 tower so he could EASILY rat dota the rax atleast especially they kept killing radiant heroes & not pushing

                      purge said that just to not go too hard on slark & make him feel less shitty about himself by pointing out his team mates fuck-ups , HE ALSO DID TOLD HIM that if a 5k or higher player was playing instead of him & he had same team mates who went for same builds etc he would have won just by doing less shitty mistakes & being more efficient

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                        We're here to win mmr, so: Teamplay, solid draft, english chat, no flame. Break these and punnishment will occur.