General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibrating at 2 digit MMR

Calibrating at 2 digit MMR in General Discussion

    Is it possible to reach 2 digit MMR only by feeding in the calibration games only?
    I want to experiment this on my smurf account for uber inflated stats after those 10 fed games


      I think it is possible I played pretty good and lost 7games in calibrations and got 3digit mmr then dropped to 1 digit the legendary 1 mmr.
      Then lost 6 games in a row when I was 1 mmr, It's like 6k games man lul

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        To be honest people who calibrate at ns have a special kind of talent, im not even joking. I tried so many times fucking up my first 10 games but the lowest they'll give me is high skill never normal skilled. I even played a game as qop with 5 upgraded boots at min 23 and still managed to win the game with 6 slot lol.


          @RIP MEMELORD Once you get vhs gaben gets your IP in his monitor and doesn't allow you to fall a lot.
          Same with normal skill players

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            So maybe the game actually counts on your previous games too
            Well there goes my dream :(


              Shit dude, im just interested on how the minds of ppl work while playing dota at that 2-3 digit mmr, I mean do they have 0 cs at 50 min? how do they lane? do they buy wards?


                @bws create new acc from different IP and play on that


                  @Kelllys they don't buy wards not a single one 5min courier purchase if we lucky 4of them feeds all game 1 tries too hard to carry and win it is mostly the same in enemy team.
                  Basically 1v1 we use our "bot" players as bait but some bots are really special and feeds way harder and that team surely loses

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                    Well my cousin haven't calibrated and he's like one of the worst dota player I've ever seen (might calibrate at 500 I think)
                    He's like uhhh
                    5 CS every 10 min with any carry
                    I can't imagine people worse than him


                      @IEAT damn dude that's rough, anyways glhf on that mmr grind :)


                        @bws that's even worse than a roaming riki's cs lmao.


                          @Kelly I don't believe in mmr grind man.
                          After my last 1 hour match which I created a topic on dotabuff I understood that gaben punished me even though I bought 40games on steam.
                          I try that mmr grind on this account but my main is hopeless I rage,sweat,break keyboards for nothing, I grief on cs go matches now since valve loves making cs go knifes It is kinda like vengence I feel good when I feed buy negev and flash my team I really hate cs go anyway since they made retarded updates for new 12 year old CoD players

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                            @IEAT well, I still hope you will still enjoy this game, eventually you'll get better, for now probably just avoid rank games and just learn, improve, and try to have fun on unranked games

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                              Thanks man I do that I try meta heroes and I've been training invoker for a long time If he gets a buff I will play on ranked but since my hidden mmr is also dogshit It is almost same with ranked :D.
                              I wish my internet was good enough to play in SEA and be a 6k player

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                              M U R D E R

                                Shit dude, im just interested on how the minds of ppl work while playing dota at that 2-3 digit mmr, I mean do they have 0 cs at 50 min? how do they lane? do they buy wards?

                                its exactly the same as 2k
                                but there are people who are like completely clueless at the game. play dota as if it's minecraft or smth

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                                  @ching Exactly only difference is on average their midlaner is slightly more skilled and their feeders usually stop at 20kills

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                                    @IEAT, oh dude you dont want to play in sea, i would kill to play at us west again since people actually communicate there but this is a topic for another time
                                    @薄氷 hmmm now i understand why ppl complain alot about the ns bracket, I think i will barrow one of my friend's 2k mmr account just to see how they play and satisfy my curiosity haha


                                      bws by stacking and pulling + some ganks I can have at least quadruple the money you cousin earns as a pos5 support LUL

                                      kunst 2

                                        I feed with IO and get 1k, right at this acc.


                                          @muted again
                                          1 calibration game or all calibration games?


                                            I remember playing with 1000 ms with SF
                                            Managed to hit a raze before I abbandon the game 2 minutes later

                                            kunst 2

                                              All 10 games is loses, and 8 games when I fully feed, farming and dropping divines, etc


                                                How did you get 1k with all losses and intentionally feed?
                                                I guess you had decent hidden mmr

                                                2k indog monkey

                                                  Your early 10 games' kda didn't really show true feeding skills
                                                  Wish me luck guys,I hope I get below 300 MMR lul


                                                    IEATASS can I have that account? Plz?

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      very hard to lose all games without getting reported

                                                      do any of u have game losing tips and tricks?


                                                        @Dog nah I like my acc

                                                        bot hard mute

                                                          u cant lose all ur games in dota.



                                                            thinking of it it might be really good to depend on comeback gold and then fuck up to lose a lot of games. Might be hard to stop snowballing tho when you get to lower levels because those people give up after first blood kill.

                                                            Wow, losing all games might be even harder then winning them all.


                                                              I am stuck at 3 digit mmr. I haven't touched solo ranked games for a year, and focused on playing with a dozen of 2-3k mmr friends. Now i'm back to play solo hoping to improve it but somehow, someway, i get no team cooperation. It's nearly impossible to leave the 3 digit mmr
                                                              By the way, i am now trying to leave the 3 digit mmr, you just have to choose hard carry and play mid. If you get lucky and have someone who is worthy on your team then you can finish in 25 minutes

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                                                                I ever played in 500 mmr its a lul

                                                                People dont cs giving a freelane they camp at their tower. At 7 min mark or around that they start to roam searching for kill(yes every hero spec dusa am). They buy either dagon,eblade, rad


                                                                  Ta only use meld entire game i as slark dual mid by ta and zeus
                                                                  Got rampage

                                                                  I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                    its really hard


                                                                      Single draft SEA doesn't count.


                                                                        @MADMES Exactly you can climb in 4digit at least.
                                                                        But 3 digit is literally not dota
                                                                        It's like a deatmatch cs go everyone on his own If you have a sup that means he will feed all game and try to steal your farm not even a exception most cancer thing is after they steal your farm they also try to last hit your kill to make sure you lose the game

                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                          im not sure, you'd need to literally feed for every single game before calib

                                                                          ad then you'd need to do nothing
                                                                          but get exp once every 5 min.

                                                                          so very hard.


                                                                            u can simply can "get away with murder", thats why i believe that penalitation for feeding must be more severe


                                                                              Try very hard not to hit any creeps. Try very hard not to be in the face of any action. It's more likely u will end up baiting the enemy to their deaths if u join fights.The way to suck is to 1) not hit any creeps, 2) not join any fights and just afk.

                                                                              And doing those 2 things is extremely difficult because it would be super boring. But u r guaranteed to get lower calibration u noobs.

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                                                                                initial game average - 3.7k

                                                                                for the 10 games, i chose to play riki as the invisible scout.
                                                                                - end items irontalon and tranquils. spend ur time cutting trees and shaving neutral creep lives.
                                                                                - scoreline for all calibration games - 0 kill, 11-15 deaths and 1 -2 assists. 3 -4 cs, no denies. Preferably be below lvl 10 by game end.

                                                                                My final calibration was 1.6kmmr then the slow grind to 1 mmr.


                                                                                  374285118 all low mmr 1k-3k mmr please add me i playing in sea server. i want to play in low bracket mmr! ThankS!