General Discussion

General DiscussionSafe lane carry creep equilibrium

Safe lane carry creep equilibrium in General Discussion

    When would u prioritize maintaining creeps close to ur tower? For how long? And when do u start pushing the wave instead of maintaining creep equilibrium.

    If u maintain it, u deny offlaner exp. but that means ur support can't pull. Safe to farm. But that also means u don't do tower dmg


      It depends on few factors:
      - Is your carry vulnerable to ganks? If yes maintain creep eq under ur tower.
      - Do you need key item or lvl for increased survivability/jungle farm speed? (For example battle fury so u can push creeps and farm jungle on anti mage or jugger, or you need lvl 6 on slark to open more aggressive maneuvers)
      - Does enemy offlaner having power spikes with lvl gain (eg. Timber lvl 3/5)? In this case most suitable is zoning him by keeping creeps under your tower and harassing with supports.
      - Can you tank creep wave with your carry? If you play as sven you can deny offlaner exp by pushing lane and pulling hard camp.

      Corona FRIES

        Usually after your carry able to tank or clear lane creepwave comfortably (without losing much hp) at the location just a little bit infront of enemy tower so offlaner can't go contest with the bigcamp pulls from my support


          U dont need this as u r playing on nromal skill. Every "ez" lane is 2v2


            Supports can gank rather than walking aimlessly around the jungle with their thumbs up their ass.


              As far as antimage is concerned, but most other carries apply too.

              Push their tower when you can farm fast enough that you can kill the side hard camp without missing any last hits in the lane.

              There are a lot of other factors too, like can you kill their offlane, is it going to be a problem feeding him EXP, has their offlane left, are you going to die to a gank, do you have wards, etc.

              If you aren't sure, just static farm. Fucking something up for the 100gpm the hard camp gives you isn't worth dying.


                Great advice from Marlan and dickthequick. Though I will rarely get situations in my games where it matters since dual offlane auto attacks the creepwave. Same for my
                Support. Makes it really hard to predict or control the creep equilibrium. But I'll remember this for when I get 4k.


                  Another question. If for
                  Some reason u have a dual offlane auto attacking 24/7, and ur playing under tower all the time. Is that good or bad? Should I get pissed?

                  The main thing though is , should the support single pull a small camp in such a scenario


                    As soon as you have basic sustain items you want to shove the lane 100%, not only does it pin the offlaner to his lane and make you safer vs ganks because the wave will give vision, you can massively increase your farm rate and deny the enemy offlaner by pulling the hard camp into your wave at x:52 seconds.

                    I am too used to awful support players to really get triggered by anything they do, as long as they avoid feeding solo offlaners I'm just happy they even exist. If the lane is mega shit I recommend telling them to fuck off while you soak xp because there is not much you can do against some cancerous dual lanes.

                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                      hey how do you deal with the catapult wave which kites the hard camp for so long that you cant do the 52 pull the next min?


                        you don't pull the hard camp at that moment


                          It is annoying when that happens, usually just means you end up missing a stack/pull, if the stack is pretty big usually it clears the catapult in time.


                            I'd rather deny and take the creep wave to my tower most of the time since plebs will autoattack creeps 24 7 although I told them not to
                            When they do it's still ez win
                            When they don't it's easier