General Discussion

General DiscussionBanned free cookies this forum

Banned free cookies this forum in General Discussion

    To many 4k in matches play like 1k cause cookies . Calibrate my I'd to 4k ? That idea cookies want to help calibrated from 2k Mmr to 4k Mmr . Help but when u give your I'd , he do 4k n want charge money ! Now around 4k to many noob cause him ... he calibrated for what ? Want help ? Want money ? Or for fun ? People 2k help he went I talk about this but a real player 4k so annoying . 2k become 4k now . That idea cookies like a people buyer I'd ....




        this random assortment of words is actually a post. Sadly, the profile picture makes much more sense to the brain than the actual post itself


          Don't understand I . Abt talking what he.


            To translate OP;

            Cookies can die. But the idea of Cookies. The concept. The notion. Will never die. It will spread like cancer, engulfing the dota community in a wildfire of normal skill. OP is actually quite poetic


              can somebody translate this


                I guess hes right.


                  1. i didn't charge anyone anything, i'm poor as fuck.
                  2. dear god, the butchering of the english language
                  3. i told them they can either get coaching from me, or find some free coach on r/dota2tutor if they want to keep their 4k without feeding
                  4. there's like hundreds of thausands of 4k+ players, 10 accs in 4k won't make a difference.
                  5. i've made and played on so many 1-3k smurfs (my personal own accs) that calibrating 2ks into 4k would pretty much neutralize all the smurfing i did.
                  6. the skill of the players in those brackets(4k) won't be changed no matter how much the system gets inflated.

                  at least try to make it readable OP

                  edit: if you're gonna make an argument that real 4ks will lose because there's a 1-3k in their team, but remember 4ks also had to lose against me, making it equally unfair

                  aka fair

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                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    Cookie is actually a smart player. I even think that It would be better if he became a Developer. His dota IQ and idea are good and I think he can post a helpful dotabuff blog like kawaiisocks or skims do.

                    If you feel insulted by him, just ignore him.


                      This acc just talk about cookies . Actually now to many people do new acc for get 4k . Cause idea cookies . But a real player 4k be stress cause get team mate Mmr 4k highest but play 1k2k style .. player 2k want 4k for what ? Wanna show your mmr 4k to friend but play noob . So Stop do that player 2k want 4k . If you buyer I'd 4k you can't follow performance like 4k . That game sure lose cause you .

                      Corona FRIES

                        You're complaining about smurf account but isn't that account you're using a smurf account too? 20 games played...


                          wtf my IQ just dropped to 1.


                            E N G L I S H

                            Corona FRIES

                              I mean I kind of agree that 1-2k smurfing to 4k bracket is annoying or worse account buyer (if that's what you're talking about) but no one is going to take you seriously if you're using smurf account yourself. Start from yourself before worrying about others


                                Nowdsys all 2k play like 4kmmr
                                4k plsy like 1k mmr lmfao

                                Corona FRIES

                                  Tyme two mek 2k smurf

                                  the realm's delight

                                    cocaine is a hell of a drug


                                      Cocaine is drug king when suck it you will like get bkb on urself lol

                                      fuck im outta here

                                        Go to school first 4k scrub melissa


                                          I would actually get cookie as a coach if he was a good one. But his videos make me cry

                                          casual gamer

                                            English is fundamental


                                              what do you mean they make you cry :C

                                              are they that bad?


                                                Haha. Ok they are not horrible. u make some good points. But 1) u need a better mic, or just increase the audio of ur videos. 2) u need better structure. Ur English is incredibly long winded and u take very long to say a simple thing. 3) I saw ur coaching a 5k video it was kinda good. But at some points I felt like the stuff u were telling the guy was something 5ks definitely already know since a 1k player like myself already know. Like you don't talk enough about specifics and again u take very long to get to the point.

                                                Having said all that u do make some really good points when u do get to it. And I see that u r trying. Keep it up I guess?


                                                  wtf is this thread ? LUL


                                                    I don't take a salty nerd who has a "sexy girl" profile picture and trash English grammar seriously
                                                    Yeah whatever you lost 25 because of 1-3k MMR teammates? And I'm sure you'd tell 1000 MMR people to go fuck themselves and get good when they whine about their trash teammates who play like 2 digits,how ironic


                                                      "2k play like 4k mmr" true sht. Am six slotted by 20 mins and had 0/0/0 before then. Dont think 2k could pull that off, and worse he's my enemy :(

                                                      On the bright side i can learn how to farm from the replay.


                                                        Think that guy did the cookie 600 LH 30 min challenge :P
                                                        20 min 6 slotted seems absurd but it's easier to do in a freefarming NS level (not saying it's easy tho)


                                                          My brain is able to fly after reading his english

                                                          coco crunch

                                                            You're not even a 4k. What are you complaining about? You must get out of that high skill shit bracket first before you complain.

                                                            ps: your games sucks dont play carry


                                                              its fun to watch all the 3k players idolizing him


                                                                ^^^nah bruh u just drank too much red bull

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                                                                  Dont ban cookie. I need his crixallis offlane guide.


                                                                    Lul. U should see my face. Dat 1.2k gpm, u cant unsee it :C

                                                                    PMS Mantra

                                                                      < Make Browser Game < Post to Kongregate < Make money through ad whoring < Buy new gaming PC < Buy 6k mmr account in DotA
                                                                      < Broadcast losing 5k mmr over the course of a week < Retire to tropical island with plastic sex doll wife < Win. < Smoke Cigar


                                                                        sickest english i saw in a long while

                                                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                          I'm bad at english but this OP is baddier.


                                                                            only way to kill this thread is not to reply on it LuL


                                                                              45% win rate , shut the fuck up . Go play league of lesbian or agar io , you are bad asf


                                                                                play acc 2k to get 4k


                                                                                  and now 2k player backup him ?


                                                                                    fucker off you are


                                                                                      what the actual fuckx d

                                                                                      Vem Comigo

                                                                                        What is this guy yoda on drugs

                                                                                        cookies is just a serial smurfer

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                                                                                          ROFL :DD


                                                                                            op can u keep posting plz, preferably larger comments


                                                                                              This melissa is lonely dont bother he sad ladyboy screaming on dotabuff lol


                                                                                                melissa ur right he does sell to 2k trahses but they gona fall to 3k first 10 games all lose and 4k will never see them again ..

                                                                                                ps: COOKIE PLS GIVE THEM 4000 4100 MAX I DONT WANT TO BE PUT WITH SOME 2K RETARD IN GAME (IM RET TOO BUT NOT SO TRASH) I GOT 4300 PLS DONT


                                                                                                  RiP Grammar.

                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    oh shit top class premium grade actual tears of jealousy


                                                                                                      high quality cringe worthy thread right here


                                                                                                        MY GOD THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD.... THANKSSSS DOTABUFF ROFLMAO Xd xADASAD

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