General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero are good for spamming mmr but also im pretty good at

What hero are good for spamming mmr but also im pretty good at in General Discussion

    tried few differents play style on climbing mmr, climbed like few hundreds on last 4 patches (i dont play everyday and i didnt queue solo rank frequently) but got stucked at 2,2k right now.. feels like I'm good enough to reach 3k easily but I just played so badly in these few patches with few different heroes that I like. Tried ember spamming, sven spamming, alche, and recently tried omni (looks good enough, but with braindead core going war no item not even god plays omni himself could save them). I need a little advice on what hero are suitable for me? Thanks, sorry for bad english lul


      Dont spam heros that are situational. There are players like Abed who spams meepo no matter what enemy picks and still win with it. Well u are not abed and u should think more about the pick.

      But there u have invoker which is worth learning. I would spam it. Also tinker, axe, slark. Every hero is good in your bracket if u dont suck. But u do so focus on basics like at least 60 cs in first 10 min on carry.

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        If u think that u are really good , i recomend to u créate other account , is more fast. I say this to u becouse u win rate in rank matches is good but 2k braket is play 1 versus 9


          El slarkerino or riki since nobody ever really buys detection in that bracket until it's too late


            Lol its ez to grind in potato bracket. What are u talking about. Smurf is the worst thing he can do.


              Lex u play any time in 2k braket ? I speak about my experience in all brakets 1-6k , i say that is more fast , i never say that is better for a player.

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                looking at you win rate and itemization i would say sven, slark and maybe riki but i am not sure tbh.


                  Thanks a bunch for the replies, yeah I already tried to make a smurf. But got caught on LP, too lazy to finish it, and the different bracket skill between the matches made me wonder am I good enough, so I would rather climb my main acc and hoped the best

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    What hero are good for spamming mmr but also im pretty good at




                      thanks for the bumb el u el


                        Try to play offlane hero and buy survavibility item that can help your team to win.


                          Pick universal heroes (good with most lineups) not niche picks
                          Invoker is worth learning
                          Faceless void,AM,spectre, and juggernaut works for me and they're not exactly that situational
                          But still if you're good enough you can win with any hero as long as you're good with it



                            I would like to see your experience in 6k bracket with your win rate on Normal Skill. Dont lie ok?

                            Riguma Borusu

                              It is easy to get out of 1k and 2k spamming literally anything if you are not retarded. I had a goal of 3k flat and I achieved it by mainly spamming legion, and abaddon when lc was picked by the other team. But really, anything that can snowball out of control and can close games is good, even if it is not the hardest carry in the game.

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                              2k indog monkey

                                Bounty support works well I think
                                You force the retarded lineup of 5 carries of the enemy team to spend more money in detection
                                Your poopoo teammates will get gold out of each kill,punishing the enemy's stupid mistakes which happen alot
                                Not to mention the deathmatch playstyle of NS dota

                                Forget me not

                                  PA, spec, and Riki is the easiest hero to grind MMR when I'm at your mmr