General Discussion

General DiscussionVoid mom doesn't suck you uneducated twats

Void mom doesn't suck you uneducated twats in General Discussion

    If mask of madness sucks balls then why do i see you running away when im trying to solo kill you? Uh duh mom sucks cause u take extra dmg.... Oh im sorry i didnt know u can still cast spells/autoattack while you're chronod/permabashed! I legit got from 3k to 4k buying this item on him. You are practically defended from the 25% extra damage by the lifesteal, bash, chrono, the new op timewalk, and the attack speed slow and high delay of spells of time dilation. Its not the mask of madness thats mediocre, its the items you get that complement the mask of madness. Such as diffusal blade (fast mana burn), daedlus (fast crits), mkb (fast minibash) etc.. and even if you are correct that mask of madness sucks you would be right for the wrong reasons. Uh void doesnt have backtrack so mom sucks now! No it doesnt i would rather have a guranteed 1000 damage backtrack rather than the passive 25%. If anything taking 25% extra dmg would suck if youre manaburned, but then that is solved by bkb. Taking extra damage 25% will also suck if youre silenced, simple! just buy manta diffusal. Again bkb is practically core on the hero in like 80% of your games. There is nothing more powerful in the game than being permabashed. Whats the point of you taking 25% extra if the enemy cant even hit you in the first place since you attack and bash so fast?

    Need to talk,remove your ...


      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        Echo sabre > madness


          Did you know that Necronomicon is amazing on void? Splitpush escape with time walk and chrono, and the units can move in chrono. How nuts is that?


            I don't remember ever losing to a MOM void,,,


              And also necrobook gives atackspeed... Omfg this must be op as hell, necrobook void new meta.


                And you can get auras to make the necro units better like vlads and pipe


                  or AC DEsolator


                    Echo sabre costs more and doesnt provide farm efficiency in the jungle so good luck outfarming the enemy carry and its also overrated. Necrobook has a huge cd tho and doesnt help with solo killing without chrono.


                      Oh and Haunted you might want to check again, your Phantom lancer game from 23 hours ago. Yeah you lost to a void who went mom and he didnt even build manta/diffusal meaning he was very vulnerable.


                        Believe in the bash


                          Haunted lmfao he did lose to MoM void

                          casual gamer

                            mom is complete trash on void

                            echo sabre is ok on offlane void but non-ideal



                              maybe this shit works for your play style but for most it's sub optimal . My winrate in ranked is higher in the last 3 months of ranked than yours , the last 6 months of ranked too and also in very high skilled games building vangaurd . Also you have a shit load of void games guessing you have a lot of practice playing mom void so you likely are very accustomed to playing him this way .


                                It's situationally good,offers lots of solo kill power


                                  I buy mom even on Spiritbreaker

                                  Hatsune Miku

                                    mom is my favorite :)


                                      Why would you buy MoM in this game? Vlads are so much better for your team and timber probably two shotted you whenever you used it.


                                      casual gamer

                                        he needed a way to kill tinker + they have minimal damage that goes through bkb it looks like?

                                        I still would've just gone vlads


                                          Well void did close to jackshit in that game, that's why I don't remember him. It was an overfed luna that won the game.

                                          Animal King

                                            1k player saing mom is good.. Typical noobs talk


                                              we had useless pa that game and only our supports were any good, all im saying its the most cost effective item in the game and if your carry cant do the damage, you gotta swap vlads for a mask at least for the early game, beside u can buy moonshard +satanic late game\\


                                                The only reason people bought MoM is to increase DPS while inside chrono since bashes dealt more damage in chrono
                                                Now that it doesn't,why would you even buy it?
                                                You won't lifesteal from 10% to 50% after chronoing your enemy (good luck pulling it off without getting pinned down)
                                                Void isn't a one trick pony anymore (chrono,mom on,wave on a single target,then becomes a creep again)
                                                The only hero I can think of that is a good MoM carrier right now is ursa
                                                This item needs buff tbh


                                                  Good on certain situations like lack of disable and burst on a 1v1ing type of opponents but it's still too risky imo
                                                  Vlad gives pushing power,some sustain,mana regen (its enough if you thread switch) and teamfight potential,which is more useful in most scenarios


                                                    I really like the new 50/75/100/125 without chrono rather than the 40/50/60/70 & 80/100/120/140 DURING chrono the difference between the new bash buff and the old double bash with chrono is so small that it matter. Infact the point of the hero is to not sure chrono on one guy which most void players tend to do when u can just pick one off with mom diffusal. You have to do some sort of damage without chrono as seeing as most void players i see are only useful when they have their ults. If you want someone who is useful only with their ult go pick enigma or something. Why have a void offlane when u can have a timber/pitlord/slardar or what not? If anything do a dual offlane to give the enemy carry cancer. MoM is meant to be used as a snowballing item so when you refer to void being a creep after killing one guy in chrono with mom, just go back to farming until u have diffusal then you will be even more useful and become less of a creep one item at a time. I see the point in MoM ursa but when your 80% reduction ult runs out, what are you gonna do?

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      u can kill ppl without mom though. i just ping and at most say on mic that i need a +1. half the time i end up tping mid and killing their mid with my mid, then farming jungle back over to my lane

                                                      even with just treads + basi i have solo killed plenty of people. they typically underestimate lvl 7 bash and then complain in allchat when i completely rekt them by fishing for bashes


                                                        did you know divine rapier is good on riki?

                                                        how do you take his divine if you can't see him?¿?¿?¿?


                                                          4467 solo mmr


                                                            I still remember a match where my Omni used purification on a chronoed teammates and the Mom void drop dead from half hp, well im not exactly a good void player either so dont really know


                                                              in mid level pubs mom void is probbly okay. I mean, if you go safelane and rush mom treads maelstorm ASAP, you probably could solo-kill even up to 2 people in chrono at like min 10 or so maybe.

                                                              However of course it is risky. Imagine MOM bloodseeker now lmao.

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                its an unnecessary risk that has negative synergy with timewalk, and is the ONLY reason void's safelane winrate is 40%

                                                                Dire Wolf


                                                                  Slav McGopnik

                                                                    MoM is good in theory and strong at lower levels, but it's generally a high risk pickup and vlad's gives lifesteal, along with a lot of useful stats, I don't play void that much, but I don't bother with MoM when I do.


                                                                      You can kill people with MoM, but it requires so much more farm and for someone who can actually do something at lvl 6, early dps is helpful. Unlike antimage for example needs farm for more than half the game. Also what negative synergy? If youre gonna backtrack 500 damage might as well backtrack 1000 while youre at it.


                                                                        That's like saying might as well die instead of taking 500 damage then back tracking it lol ^


                                                                          The problem is most of the time you'll die before having the chance to heal up from the damage dealt to you (pop mom,chainstunned,dead)
                                                                          Mjolnir is still a great item on him tho

                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            no carry is going to run from a 1200 hp void with mom on. morph/pa/jug/ursa/pl/etc will all either turn and fight or burst you if timewalk is cd

                                                                            the negative synergy is that people try to burst u fast during stuns, mom means u will die during the stuns instead of living

                                                                            also ur very vulnerable even in chrono. u pretty much are forced to go bkb every game to compensate for this 1900 gold attack speed item penalizing you massively

                                                                            a lvl 11 void with mom on, maelstrom, and agi treads has 1020 hp plus damage amp. a support lion can reduce you to 140 hp with his combo + 1 right click. basically you will burn blink to random shit flying around in a teamfight like ww shards and ignite and rad burn that you cant avoid, so then when ur blink is cd they will have a super easy time bursting ur shitty agi carry with 800 ehp

                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                              a level 7 lion can solo kill a lvl 11 void with agi treads and mom on within his stun duration btw


                                                                                I get triggered when drow buy mom. Even if they win and it seem to work in normal skill. I dno


                                                                                  I mean it's RLY risky. But if you chrono the lvl 7 Lion and some other hero, you can probably kill both of them.
                                                                                  You can use MOM only and exclusively only if there is no risk of you dieing from it, I guess. It offers greater lifesteal than other counterparts but for that might as well get hotd for satanic later...

                                                                                  but then again i never do this myself lul i think that vlads blink yasha diffusal(2) manta is much bttr

                                                                                  I quite like mom blink dlance drow for easy early-mid game solo kills and siege though

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