General Discussion

General Discussionis this the highest tower dmg ever conceived by man ?

is this the highest tower dmg ever conceived by man ? in General Discussion

    Considering game was only 37 min , i think it might be LUL


      enemy jungle legion commander 0 td, typical lc team contribution...


        You can just get that much with backdooring Towers... I have games with 20k+ with Arc and tiny


          i did the same in my last match


            Did somebody say legion contribution?



              considerin this is ns...i got more btw...16k with anti mage 35 min game with divine


       545.39 td/min (lower amount -higher per min-, but the game is more than 2 times shorter)

       14996 td (longer though)

                However you probably have one of the highest value for a pa.

                Этот комментарий был изменён
                Dr. Banana

                  You pick Lycan. You tell your team that you will jungle. You tell your team that you will never fight with them. You tell your team that you will split push. You do this in a nice way because you are Lycan picker and you want to win. You buy stout, quelling, tangoes in that exact order. You go jungle. You get: level 7, 4-0-2-1 skill build. You have: vlads, quelling, stout, smoke. You smoke and take rosh before 10 minutes. You time that motherf*cker. You buy brown boots. You go push a lane or take ancients if there is no safe lane to push. You repeat until game is won. You never fight with your team ever. You never fight without your team ever. Wolves need no armour. Why do wolves need no armour you may ask? Wolves need no armour because wolves never fight; wolves split push. This is why wolves need no armour.
                  Your team dying 4 mid? You do not fight with them. You do not teleport to them. You do not flame them. You are Lycan and you want to win. You have teleportation scrolls but you use them to get to lanes as far away from danger as possible and push. You tell your team to fight under tower. You tell your team not to come to your lane. You do this in a nice way because even though wolves need no armour wolves want to win games.
                  If you are getting ganked (you should be looking at the mini map and not be in a situation where you’re getting ganked) but if you are getting ganked you know what to do: you listen to Lycan and Lycan tells you what? That’s right you sonofabitch: Lycan tells you that "the wolf runs". You pop that ultimate, you back off and you TP out. You push another lane or you farm jungle/farm ancients/smoke roshan. If you don't know what to do then what do you do? That's right; you listen to Lycan again and Lycan tells you that "the wolf runs" and that "wolves need no armour". This does not mean "the wolf fights"; it means that the wolf go split push. You are on a lane preferably furthest away from danger. You are in the jungle or at the ancients farming. You are at roshan getting that aegis timing that shit.
                  You get necro 1, 2, 3. You upgrade your brown boots into boots of travel. You do it in this exact order. You keep that split push going. You smoke rosh whenever he's up. You keep telling your team not to be with you or come to your lanes. You are Lycan. You are nice about it. You are split push. You are objectives. You are win. You remember that "wolves love to battle" against structures because then wolves will need no armour and wolves can run in circles around the structures. You never fight. You end the game with 0-0-0 and the highest building damage ever conceived by man.


                    only 29 min and i deal 18,8k tower dmg , 639 tower dmg per min. and i dont think this is the highest tower dmg @@

                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                      Dr. Banana, you made my day. (I'm a lycan jungler too lul).


                        @Dr. Banana
                        I love your comprehensive guide for Lycan.

                        1000 xpm

                          dr bana best lycan guide -> on point -> 10k mmr knowledge


                            I did 15k TD on my last game. That was just Luna things, mind you.


                              i think in NS hero dmg is like x2
                              like the -em mode in dota 1

                              Dire Wolf

                                Idk if those matches are fair now though matrice, that was back when TB was a split pushing mofo before they nerfed his illusions and meta was a spawn thing not an aura and jungle TB was good.

                                I did manage to get one game with essentially a 0-0-0 score, 2 deaths were to neutrals while jungling so I didn't have to run to base.


                                Dire Wolf

                                  18k dmg is pretty amazing though considering there's only 16,700 worth of hp on towers, and 8,100 on rax and 4250 on ancients. Considering the dmg creeps do and your team does it's hard to get that.

                                  registered flex offender

                                    Does damage you do to towers that gets regenerated back under backdoor protection count?


                                      everyone is posting their tower dmg with heroes who are supposed to do alot of tower dmg , yet no one posted a match with PA like i did


                                        shouldn't morphling get like 99k tower dmg lol that cancer split towers in 2sec


                                          14.1k tower damage as drow, close


                                            no its not the highest


                                              That could very easily be the highest damage ever. It is possible to abuse Tower Damage with same-partying on both teams on some dubai server or something to get as much tower damage as possible (abusing backdoor regen), but I don't think anyone has done that yet.

                                              Sweet Escape

                                                12k++ tower damage and 15-1-5 frag in a regular clinkz game for me :)))



                                                  lol dr.banana
                                                  I know it it was video from frey 557?
                                                  imma right?


                                                    Record TD 9k
                                                    Spinning around hitting towers and fighting 24/7 like a usual NS player would do isn't exactly my taste


                                                      Yes you posted a match with tower damage as a hero that should not get it but it was vs 2k< so meh.



                                                        my highest tower damage is back when I carried 5k scrubs

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          ^^^ "one day we will learn"

                                                          yes I just hit 15.6k td in a morf game where I played like shit


                                                            lot of ppl qq about mirana, void , sometimes huskar ( LUL ) or even riki/slark but morphling is THE best carry this patch & is flying under the radar without getting caught by the nerf hammer , his only weakness is his slow laning phase but once he get his linken hes can add fighting to his farming routine

                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                            1000 xpm

                                                              its because he has less than 50% in 5k+ bracket
                                                              no need to nerf


                                                                ^ r u implying that hes only good vs bad players? then explain why he was picked almost every game in TI6


                                                                  i think that both hero damage and tower damage are inflated after pitlord patch because dotabuff probably takes it from valve post screen - where it's calculated before reductions i suppose? anyway the values on this seem ridiculously high lately and i broke both td and hd record after the new post game summary release

                                                                  Dr. Banana

                                                                    P.S. if anyone was wondering that isn't my writing. It is from u/Licheus on reddit.

                                                                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                      ^well written, reminds me of CRIMSONQUESO and his manliest skeleton king guide of all time

                                                                      1000 xpm

                                                                        @one day we will learn, sry that may be ur impression but morpg was in the upper half pick wise and at 50% win at ti6

                                                                        u can easily look it up here:

                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          morphling has weak laning and is very vulnerable to aggressive heroes

                                                                          in addition he is weak to silences and without farm is forced into either playing with 700 hp or farming slowly, so if he falls behind it becomes difficult to recover against heroes like storm, riki, bh, sb, etc

                                                                          that being said if your lane isn't lost you should 100% win the game by default, if you don't the loss is ur fault. I lose with him sometimes where I think 20 minutes in "if we lose this it is completely my fault rofl"


                                                                            18,6k but it's queued with a friend on normalskill so I guess it doesn't really count

                                                                            Badass Gentleman

                                                                              16.3k tb with a beastmaster in the team as well


                                                                                15.3K as a lycan
                                                                                Dazle started to rotate very early so I decided to take every of their tower very early.