General Discussion

General Discussiongetting blink b4 dragon lance on meepo

getting blink b4 dragon lance on meepo in General Discussion

    is it better if i can get early BoT aghs go straight for blink


      I get blink after aghs every game


        an ahgs lets you get +1 meepo, blink lets you position your meepo

        these are necessaries. you always get dagger b4 dragon lance.

        bots are subjective depending on how much you got space or if you can kill enemy early


          depends on the game, if you really need a blink to catch someone like am or something u should get it b4 dlance


            i don't care you're 7k, but that's just stupid

            dragon lance gets you dps, but you'd be having some games where you can get free kills with dagger.

            you'd throw away free kills and an opportunity to end sooner so you can farm/have more dps faster.

            example you're given an opportunity: you either get farm with dragon lance or you get kills and pushes with dagger

            it'd be stupid to say you'd go for the dragon lance.

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              you dont need blink to fight


                in some games that is

                doc joferlyn simp

                  yes right clicks are the key to success


                    If you go travels into aghs into blink your stats will be very low, you basically have only aghs giving you +10 and that's it. Unless you dominated early hard at that point the enemies will likely be able to stand against you unless they move on their own all the time.



                      This meepowanage so skilled , i almost thought he's ABED'S smurf. 1.2k xpm @22mins. Ez game. Enemy got good lockdown spells to with their hero picks.

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                        in ''some games'' which are 5k+ from my experience where you have teammates that can set you up.

                        these are questions asked by ns players, majority of lower games your teammates WON'T know how to set up anything.

                        most fights in lower brackets are in open fields, meaning you can't just walk behind trees. you're giving your enemies a lot of time to react.

                        so either you have teammates that can set you up for dragonlance, or you have a dagger to set yourself up.

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                          Yeah, all mepownage i played with goes bot,aga,dager,scythe, ebladex2 or one hesrt if enemies with high burst dps.


                            if this is for normal skill then you should get dragon lance first because you won't have the necessary judgement/micro skill to win fights without the buffer a dragonlance gives you. Best to farm a bit more gold before fighting if you're not sure of your meepo skills


                              but then you're creating a bad habbit, which is dragging games.

                              you can't just say ''hey you don't have those skills so do something stupid''

                              you always need to be trying to practice and learn the most efficient way of playing, even if it's the hardest.

                              the questions are asked by people who want to learn the best ways to play.

                              i don't say dragon lance before dagger is bad, but im saying the cases in which is better.

                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                its nothing about "getting set up"

                                some games getting fast stats is just better than fast blink


                                  I usually rush dagon with meepo and just level the right click passive and stats


                                    also going different itembuilds according to what mmr your playing at is super retarded which is ironic since youre talking about bad habits


                                      some games aren't the majority.

                                      some games going 5 dragon lances and a scepter is gonna win you. but that's only ''some games''

                                      i'm in the realm of the more common games.

                                      edit: what, no it isn't. that's ridiculously stupid.

                                      for a 7k you have no adaptive power.

                                      from my experiance in a 6k game you can get drow with no early positioning items, why? because your supports set you up.

                                      and i've played dosens of these games.

                                      meanwhile while i'd play in 1-2k mmr i'd go for earlier positioning items so i'd do the positioning myself without making mistakes.

                                      what's the difference? it's what my teammates/enemies allowed me to do.

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                                        To settle things i suggest cookie and ywn to go 1v1 meepow game and post here the result😂


                                          some games when you dont need to catch certain heroes yes


                                            and no, it's a great habbit to be adaptive to your surroundings.


                                              You guys speak a lot of wisdom normally but to suggest you play the same regardless of mmr is retarded in itself. Builds should be optimised for the situation. If that situation is that you have no support then you need to buy your own wards, if you don't have the skill to play without a bit of extra stats then get those stats. Everything is situational...its the same in anything in life, the better you are the less after margin you need to build into what you are doing. You don't learn to swim by jumping in without armbands because it is more efficient without them...


                                                Look at it another way - at high mmr you might know your teammates will go in after you and ensure you secure a kill. At low mmr you have to assume you may well be going in solo and need the extra stats just in case.




                                                    you dont learn to play dota by doing wrong or bad item builds and buying wards is not an item build


                                                      WHAT, HOW IS IT BAD?!


                                                      dear god this stupidity

                                                      something that is bad in 8k is great in 1k because of what your role is and what you're allowed to do.

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                        well you're wrong but you can't teach a blind man how to see


                                                          You learn to play Dota by learning why you do builds not by learning builds.


                                                            ok, you're right and everyone should do the same build because fuck logic.

                                                            nice counter argument with no information.

                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                              other people learned for you you can copy them and skip a step


                                                                Pretty sure that geting a blink after aghs is a better option unless you and your team is completely steamrolling taking one tower after another and in that case your blink timing should be like 1,5 min after the dragon lance max. Otherwise just get your blink cuz it is simply the better choice imo.


                                                                  ^Agreed, Blink just gives more advantages than dlance

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    your build and play adapt to every game yes?

                                                                    if their team is up 10k gold and xp you may have to split push as dp even though the hero thrives in 5v5 early push?

                                                                    or if ur against 4 heroes with minimal linkens pop + lc you may buy linkens on am?

                                                                    same with if ur in a 3k or 2k avg game you know they will behave in a different manner. u get less experience with the "standard" build but more likely to win if u go noob crushing items. is that so crazy ?


                                                                      other people learned for you you can copy them and skip a step

                                                                      NO IT ISN'T, there's reasoning behind those builds. you're literally telling Low mmr players to copy paste some higher players just because high mmrs do so.

                                                                      that's ignorant on another level.

                                                                      you could also argue someone who's just starting to play io to copy guuardian wisp's CARRY io

                                                                      because huehehuehe guaridan and some other highly skilled idiots made a troll build.

                                                                      there's nothing in the current meta that could even ARGUE to me that builds like guardian's IO is actually a legit build even if he's high mmr. and you're saying people should blindly follow it, that's beyond retarded.

                                                                      either you present some valid counter argument, or what you say is pointless.

                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                        In games that you have set up team mates, you can totally skip Blink Dagger and get BoT2 instead. It saves you 1 slot. Also for some games with heavy counters you don't wanna go for teamfights. You get more stats to rat instead.

                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                          The thing is that blink is a super cheap item for meepo so considering the opportunities it gives you it is worth buying it even if then you do not get a pick off before you get your lance/hex/skadi whatever youre aiming for ...youre a super fast farmer so filling up them slots with some cheap items like dagger doesnt hurt and considering the opportunities blink gives you compared to what dl gives you ...thats not even fair item match up :)


                                                                            If there is a setup stun or slow, down here in normal skill you don't need an early blink. you can just stack a few nets and walk to your target.

                                                                            i think our resident 7k is suffering from the other side of dunning-kruger btw :) the side where good people don't realise they are better than other people.


                                                                              im just giving my advice to OP he can take mine or yours or none, i don't give a fuck.

                                                                              You can keep trying yourself or you can listen and copy others, atleast I know which method works best.


                                                                                i'm not saying it's bad to copy other smarter players, but some NS scrub will just copy the skill/item build without knowing the reason for that build.

                                                                                to improve and gain skill i did exactly that, i'd open high mmr players games and i'd copy their PLAYSTYLES. the builds accompany the playstyle, but copying the build by itself won't make you a high player.

                                                                                low scrubs just go 0/20 and ruin their teammates games with a shitty out of context build, just because they saw miracle do it.

                                                                                i'm 100% for copying playstyles + the accompanying build

                                                                                i'm 0% for just copying items/skills and feeding

                                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                  good for you


                                                                                    so then how would you justify telling some low scrub to copy a high mmr player's build who figured it out already, example your 4 dragon lance, scepter and bots build on meepo then they'd go feeding 0/20, because it was clearly out of context.

                                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                      how would u justify making up a random story then using it as an argument in a discussion which your supposed opponent doesn't care about?


                                                                                        hilariously if you didn't care you wouldn't answer me.


                                                                                          In the end it doesn't even matter!


                                                                                            Agreed blink has a higher priority than dlance especially in low mmr games.

                                                                                            Vem Comigo

                                                                                              blink in low mmr games on meepo is shit, most people dont know how to que the poof after the blink,
                                                                                              in my experience stats/slipt push meepo is better on low skill games


                                                                                                Go with the pros and dont go Dagger:D

                                                                                                Professor Dog

                                                                                                  Holy **** epeen war @cooki and @w33with2klessmmr



                                                                                                    should i have got a blink before dragon lance in this game? seems to me I was behind in my timings because i shared a lane with drow and i think i needed the extra stats. i think i would've fed if i got a blink.


                                                                                                      i cant imagine a scenario where you need to get dragon lance before blink. I sometimes even get blink before aghs for nuking (still situational)

                                                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                        how about my game? i don't see how blink would've helped me.

                                                                                                        btw stop trying to learn new heros and play what you can win with ;)

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