General Discussion

General DiscussionCan anyone explain me how mmr works?

Can anyone explain me how mmr works? in General Discussion

    I started new account and I got 45 games 36 out of them are in vh games and 9 normal
    and from what Ive seen Im playing with 4/5k players, does it mean Im suppose to get around 4?


      i hope not, anyway calibration games are more important than these games are


        probably 4k, did you never play ranked so far?

        but tbh it doesn't matter, you can calibrate an acc to 4k wherever it starts

        it's all in how you perform at the calib games

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          and how the calibration works? I mean I play with 4/5k and every game what happens? if I lose/win?


            win/loss doesn't matter

            i know one guy who calibrated somwehere inbetween 4.5-5k while losing pretty much every game

            all that matters is how you perform in these games. so just try your best and have fun


              yea its true cause on my 2 smurfs first games were 4100 and i fucking fed the shit and insta put me to 3300 and in the end i get 3700.if u fail first game alot they gona put u alot lower its imposible to boost up


                Cookie , playing bot match can increase ur winrate ?


                  nope, co-op bots don't increase any stat

                  i only use them to get to level 20 without having to play the game :p


                    seriously ??? u can get lvl20 by just playing bot ???


                      go queue easy mode co-op bot in Russia

                      and turn on autoattack go afk cliff jungle furion

                      i'm currently watching family guy and and having dota 2 run in the background

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                        yes. 25 mmr+/ 25mmr-


                          and what rank they put u in on calibration if your games are vs bots?


                            i already played a couple of games unranked so it's already 4-6 avg.

                            bot games don't have a skill level, so they don't count towards jack shit except the exp to get to level 20

                            and even if they did i'll get a high calib :p

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                              i think thats not fair and many 4.5 5k do that shit i saw some blue star here with bot games 8% winrate pu*ssy players scared of bad performance and s*hit team


                                can u guess my avg hidden MMR ?


                                  what do you smoke? check my profile i have 71% winrate, dotabuff doesn't take bot games for stats...(it'd be 85%+ if you'd remove all the people who abandoned in the games on this acc)

                                  if you were to add the bot games i'd have 115/140 W/L (82% wr)

                                  beer gin, just use yasp(3.8k)

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                                    check me then satanic worshipper cookie


                                      just use yasp, 4.2k


                                        nice ty.. .some money?


                                          Yasp isnt accurate, if your team or enemy reveal/show only his party mmr. Yasp will base on those data and counts the average mmr of that game base on those datas. Just unlock ranked to absolutely know your exact mmt with no deviation😷


                                            Cookie is going bot maches to preserve his good stats amd winrate. We all know he can't maintain 70% if he plays Normal matches with humans.😳


                                              Oh no i've beeen exposed NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

                                              truth be told i'm waiting for someone to start a conspiracy theory thread about me, i actually wonder how long would it take them to find all of my accounts

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                                                no one cares enough to do that


                                                  Hey cookie you have a lot of cookies in your mouth man Its hard to understand what you saying sometimes but your farm strat is pretty good

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                                                    Haha cookie.


                                                      What your badge level now mate cookie, im level 21 atm with 134 games vs humans😛. How bout you mate. You can quee ranked now?


                                                        im almost thers like u, i gona proly have first gams 4100 :d


                                                          Haha. I can quee ranked now😛 cookie still on bots matches lmfao. It will take years for him to get badge level 20.ROFL


                                                            *-* y u du dis to me adzdota

                                                            besides, it's game length what decides how much exp you get

                                                            sadly both my normal and bot games end too fast. i'm lvl 44, 6 more to go

                                                            your games are 30-50 min

                                                            mine end in 20-30 *-*

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                                                              Haha_thats what bots games do mate😂


                                                                Wait is this true about bot matches? Trying to unlock Ranked/Calibration ASAP... Have played 43 matches. I can just do solo bot to level up and it won't affect my hidden MMR..?

                                                                Appreciate the help!


                                                                  yup, i calibrated 4.5. played a couple of unranked to inflate my skill level to 4.5+

                                                                  and then just cliff afk in bot matches.


                                                                    Alright thanks man. Can I ask why the Russian servers..?

                                                                    Horry Shit

                                                                      @cookie so sad for me coz when I've played VHS its too hard for me to win, now I'm currently playing at HS. can you predict my mmr :D

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                                                                        @Jewbacca because majority of boosters and bots are russian, it's the best place to find them. they'll afk and you'll get longer games, longer games= more exp

                                                                        just make sure to win, but it won't be hard. if you miraculously lose to easy bots then you won't get exp, idk how you'd lose to them but just sayin. take 1 set of racks and bots cant def anymore, so just delay them and don't push or just afk and end when it's nearing 90 min. 90 min is exp cap.

                                                                        @regla be like just use this, it's not reliable but it's good enough

                                                                        or use the formula that i use:

                                                                        main acc mmr +- 500

                                                                        it works up to 5k mmr, since that's the calibration limit, anyone above 5k will get 4.5-5k calibrations

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