General Discussion

General DiscussionDo I deserve my mmr?

Do I deserve my mmr? in General Discussion

    I'm rocking a solId 2.6 solo mmr right now and I'm unsure is this is were I belong. I usually do decent in most of my games, but sometimes I feel my team doesn't understand a lot of the basics. Plz help

    Bosnian Blade

      u will go up
      just play ranked


        from what ive learned 90% of ppl belong in their mmr you may notice mistakes some ppl make but others notice mistakes you make, make sense, your mmr altho affect by your entire team is affected mostly by your own skill and abilti to pay with or around your team, and your team will typically have as many games where they feed as you will have games where the other team feeds...

        I Am A Cloud

          As soon as you start focusing on your team, you lose hope of improving yourself. Think of it this way; you have lost as many games because of your "bad team" as you have won because of your enemies' "bad team".
          Looking at a few of your games, it seems you have a decent idea of what you are doing. Just remember some of your key mistakes made in the games you lose and think of how to avoid them.
          Also consider downloading a replay and pick apart every decision you made so as to better understand the appropriate option for each situation.

          So do you deserve your MMR? The answer is " Who f**king knows!?!?!?!" Just work on the here and now, improve yourself and you will come out with a net gain. Everyone has awful games that are lost from the beginning. Just don't get upset and move on to the next one when you are ready. Most importantly, Have Fun!


            Cool, thanks for the input. I have been telling my self to watch replays buthe most of the time I don't have the patience so I just start another game. But I'll start watching more.


              Look at my games, vhs doto fast paced environment :-) 20-35mins gg.


                "VHS doto" get the fFUCK outta here.


                  You deserve higher for sure. Your win rate for the past 6 months in ranked is really great.
                  Sorry you're at the wrong mmr dude. You play a lot though so you'll go up :)

                  Speak English, Pick Stuns

                    People that shill for the mmr formula are account buyers


                      60% winrate + for long time.
                      You are improving don't worry.
                      If you continue with same winrate(you did for half year, so you 90% most likely to continue), then you will hit in 3k very soon and even higher, good luck!

                      Always learn something new, analyze lost matches, it will help to improve even faster!

                      P.S 2:
                      Focus on your own mistakes when you watch replays, ofcourse sometimes team is really bad and all, but ignoring it and looking at your mistakes, even if they are small, helps alot :P

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                        Also, sometimes more interesting than your own replays: Look for the rankings of your favorite heroes on DB, check how the best ranked by DB play that hero, then you can check the replays of just look at different builds for different games, or why those guys are building consistently some item on a hero.


                          ''rocking 2.6k mmr''

                          top fucking kek