General Discussion

General DiscussionNecro mid/offlane

Necro mid/offlane in General Discussion
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    I recently started spamming necro & it seems good.
    I usually play him as core in mid or offlane.
    Here my question :
    Vs which heroes I should NOT play necro,both in mid lane & offlane?
    3k MMR

    Legend 4/5 forever

      Lifestealer, huskar, omni, oracle maybe?

      Pale Mannie


        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          Necro can take care most of the melee heroes. But you should he cautious vs Huskar, Tinker, and DK

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            I mostly encounter injoker & sven


              Try not to pick necro if they have a double stun in their safelane, or if they have a dedicated roaming ganker like bounty or mirana. Necro is pretty slow and vulnerable to ganks. Think of him like a Zeus except he cant blow up the person ganking him.


                I've played him a lot recently in my ranked matches and he does well against nail actually but your timing has to be right, I also feel if your positioning and map awareness is good you'll be able to avoid ganks, I know it's gonna sound ridiculous him being good against heroes like naix and anti mage but I've landed many game winning scythe(aghs ) on them.
                I know I'm not extremely good or anything but I hope I helped. I always play him either offer mid


                  Try not to choose Necro if there is at least one support in your team. Necro is very dependent on his items, so go support is not very advantageous for the tank capacity. Mana boots or mekansm to guardian gr., aghanim, radiance with your first passive full, assault c., tarrasque, blink dagger, and tp. Maybe octarine core?? what else??? Take care most of the roaming ganker heroes, like Nyx; others like Doom, Ancient, Huskar...


                    Always buy blink dagger


                      Necro is countered hard by dazzle cuz if u ult someone he can keep that person alive, omni can repel who ever u ult, oracle can ult who ever u ult,

                      Anti mage has a lot of spell resistence,

                      Cant think of anyone else rn


                        Anti mage stl dies when he has 2/5 hp left or maybe slightly more

                        Johnny Rico

                          Necro is better as a position 3, there are so much better heroes mid, like chen.

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                            The thing is in lower mmr people don't understand the amount of pressure Hearstop aura applies.
                            Usually in mid a bottle would more or less cancel it out but if you are in safe Lane the opposing hero would run out of consumables by 5 mins ( at least when I play offlane)


                              Don't pick necro if your team thinks you will be support. I win pretty much 100% of my games with him where I'm allowed to get farm in a lane. Generally lose otherwise...I really like getting a windlace on him at the start of the game.


                                I agree. However, if you know you're not gonna get any farm you need to know how to make yourself useful with the skills you have, I've gone dual offlane with no farm but still get my core item in good time. Just know with heartstopper aura every single auto attack harass counts, that auto attack you just landed does not go away with tango and if he has to pop a salve early on its a plus.
                                I like to time their last hits with my death pulse it really messes up their momentum. You take a last hit? I'll give you a 250 dmg plus two or three right clicks after that they usually play extremely cautiously after that and that's when you know you have the upper hand in the lane


                                  If you're offlane go guardian greaves into aghs. If you're mid go direct aghs. Sometimes get midas or blink before them. All other items are situational. Also AM is actually not good against necro. Necro is only bad against those who can disrupt his ult's dmg like SD, OD, all healers. AA can be decent against him as well.

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                                    My current build is phase,aghs,hex then go for other items like shiva,octarine etc


                                      The aura feel a little lackluster right now. It's less than the deny range right now feelsbadman.