General Discussion

General DiscussionZeus item

Zeus item in General Discussion
wait for me

    So I'm trying Zeus lately. Great hero. Problem is when we push, take towers, I feel I'm not contributing anything. So one game I bought necrobook. What do you guys think about that??

    Also please suggest a good item, ability build for this hero.


      u there to kill people and not towers

      Best Treant EU

        zeus is the usually the biggest threat for ur enemies and they will focus u if they are smart. so u need some survivabilty items, like dagger, force staff, euls, ghost sceptre.

        starting items 2-3 clarities. get rune and bottle. get last hits with ur 1st spell. next item arcane boots.

        now u can decide when game is easy and there is none who can harm u, u can go straight lens with disabling ur arcane boots. after lens go veil and dagger. if game goes long get octarine core, and ethereal or hex.

        if u have hard early game get force staff after arcane boots.

        the hero is rather ez to play -> gl!


          Zeus is created to wreck people's asses and shock them with gazillion volts

          Pale Mannie

            Positioning is the key and Veil wrecks tanky lineups with ez

            wait for me

              I absolutely love vail. is support zeus any good?? then how to play as a supp??

              Pale Mannie

                Only thing you can do as a "support" zeus is upgrading arcane boots to Guardian Greaves or else he does no damage or something

                Pale Mannie



                    Support Zeus was kinda popular when Techies was played a lot because he's pretty much the best Techies counter there is. Revealing invisibility is his only really attraction as a support. You'd rather play him core though because as sup you never have enough mana to do anything and since you'll be behind on levels you wont do much damage.

                    Don't bother getting Necrobook. Your job is to blow up heroes. When you run out of enemy heroes to blow up, start blowing up creepwaves so your team can hit the tower. Zeus isn't meant to do lots of tower damage and nobody will expect you to. Just focus on getting items that either help you blow people up or give you mana so that you can blow people up.


                      If you're not building mjollnir you're not playing him right.


                        Aghs + refresher + whatever you need to stay alive during the game.


                          aghs is fucking terrible because it affects your ult's damage which you use far less frequently than your other spells, plus your ultimate has purposes other than for damage i.e. scouting that using your ultimate for scouting purposes makes you much less useful should you need to fight when your ultimate is down.

                          veil and an aether lens are much better for more or less the same cost because they also increase the damage of your non-ultimate spells meaning you're much more useful when your ultimate is down, plus you're going to do more damage compared to aghs anyway.

                          then again we're explaining this to someone who gets treads on zeus