General Discussion

General DiscussionInsight to Improve

Insight to Improve in General Discussion

    Hi, I made the mistake of calibrating my ranked mmr as soon as I could, back when I knew little to nothing about the game and got calibrated at <1kmmr, horrible I know. But recently I have set a goal for myself to make roughly 200+mmr weekly and I have made it from 600mmr to 1.2k in 3-4 weeks. Now I have some questions and would like some outside insight:
    What more can I do to improve?
    Am I setting a proper goal towards improvement?
    Should I be climbing faster?

    I know this mmr is nothing to you guys, and that I seem to be a noob to all of you, but that is the exact reason I am asking for some insight,
    Thanks :D

    (ps. I don't like to hero spam so if thats a suggestion I probably will not listen to that)


      in low mmr games people dont pick supports...
      pick a support and be happy


        Learn 3-4 heroes for each lane and try to pick last of possible and pick a hero for whatever is missing from your team.