General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to skill on kunkka?

What to skill on kunkka? in General Discussion

    I'd like to read some thoughts about the hero with some explanations and ideas on the skill order of this hero. I'm mainly talking about the first early levels:

    "X marks" level 1 gives has no range to be used as an opener, and getting lv 2 early nerfs others skills.

    "Torrent" More nuke, more slow

    "Tidebringer" Leveling this, puts your enemy in a very uncomfortable laning unless they can stay in high range or be quick enough to avoid the effect.

    I seen most common build is to skip "X" until level10, and I feel like the hero is missing a lot with that build, while that lv1 at least provides an anti-escape tool for ganks if you reach melee range.

    So what I'm trying to figure out is how flexible the skill build for this hero can be, and according to what circumstances one should level each skill.

    disgusting weebs

      Depends on what pos you play him in.

      Mid it's w>e>q with 2 points in e by lvl 8.
      Supports it's e>q>w with maybe 1 lvl in w vs some high armor shit and for stacking but probably not.


        I skip tide or learn it once at lvl 1

        3 torrent 2 xmarks and 1 ship is ideal for early combo. But if you know there us gonna be a cancer mid hero against you, you can go 1 tide at lvl 1, 3 torrent , 1xmarks 1ship at lvl 6. Its not impossible to x-torrent-ship combo with 1lvl xmarks. But it is definitly hard

        Just dont be the tide max midder

        Этот комментарий был изменён

          attacker goes 4-1-4 on core kunkka atm. watch his replays cos it might tell u why he skills a certain way.

          if you're support i think you skip tidebringer until 10, max X for the range cos u use it to punish bad positioning like how glimpse is used.

          4-4-0 is stupid, you see 2k players do that cos they just want damage when they're probably the worst possible candidates for this build because they are the ones who most likely need X to hit their torrents.

          Player 215168758

            ^ayy , its stupid if the torrent keeps missing ,but actually works beautifully in 2k since people dont know how does torrent works

            disgusting weebs

              ^^ thats not attacker LUL
     this is atacker and he actually skills different shit in different games but if you want a build to stick too that's wqwewrew