General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport in VHS

Support in VHS in General Discussion

    I'd like to spam support because that's by far my best role.
    Usually in these games I'm solo supporting and my stats are pretty bad however I'm able to win these games.
    I'm not sure if my hidden mmr goes up with this tactic because as I said my stats are bad.
    Is it enough to only win the game to go up in (hidden) mmr or are the stats more important?

    What are your thoughts?


      the mechanism for evaluation of ur support skill is different to the one for cores. its ok to have bad stats. if you are good, you'll be placed high.

      Al Bundy

        Ok here is what you do.
        1: Shave your Head.
        2: Grow a badass goatee.
        3: Get a shotgun.
        4: Put it in your mouth.
        5: Get scared and run to your new girlfriend which you have because of your awesome new bouncer look.
        6: Play omni knight or disruptor.
        7: Loose(as you said your stats are bad).
        8: Learn omniknight(lots of really good guides on youtube).
        9: keep on winning over 75 % of your games cause a good omni can seriously make the comeback/domination for your team possible.

        You might skip step 3 and 4 if dota hasnt made you suicidal by this point xd.

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          I'm not bad at supporting and I'm not looking for advice or anything but thanks anyway.
          I was just wondering wether you go up in mmr by winning with bad stats.

          I have 70 games played on my account and I thought it's more important to win if you have "a lot of games" played. I read that in the first few games it's a lot more important that you have good stats than it is to win and if you have more games it's more important to win.
          Any turth behind this?

          (I have a 65% Winrate (80 matches) with Omni btw. *-*)

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            In ranked it doesn't matter if you under-perform or have bad kda. Winning is the sole way to raise mmr.


              Well i know that. I don't have a rank yet.
              I'm talking about hidden mmr.


                Its possible to calibrate high with supporting but its more difficult.

                You need to get a lot of hero healing, buy lots of wards, uy support items like urn mek vlads gg boots etc

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                Swap Commends

                  U spammed high damage heroes like zeus and made into VHS.Now u are playing support in VHS.
                  So I don't know what's the real question here.

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                    Thanks. That's what I was looking for.

                    @I'm fine
                    As I said I think that in the first few games stats are more important than winning and the more games you have the more important it is about winning them.