General Discussion

General Discussionsmurf vs 7k krygasm

smurf vs 7k krygasm in General Discussion

    i can die peacefully now im riki <3
    im this guys new smurf fyi kreygasm 7.3k mmr :3


      you lost a 5v4 why is this post-worthy lol


        haha more gold for slark and sf who 3 man queue and all 5k except slark who is 7k


          very nice game :)

          Best Treant EU

            can u explain what u want to show with this thread? i mean in understandable english pls :)


              nothing. just so happy kappa


                Don't understand what u r saying

                Al Bundy

                  hes happy cause he got his ass owned by someone with higher skill.
                  I suspect he is a kind of sm man who gets busy when his team insults him.
                  Only thing that would make sense.


                    answer a question please what do you select in the main menu new to dota 2 i ve played dota 2 or i have played a similar game as dota 2....much appreciated


                      u guys can actually parse the match.. was the 1st match with no flames from both team.. watch the chat


                        and even 5k players dont practically play with 7ks often so y not.. I was owning early but the game stretched too long where their increased gold/sec kicks in and slark's potential was the greatest


                          I selected played dota 2 but I dnt think it matters since i get vhs all smurfs


                            much appereciated on the topic daily dose of how u get vhs in all ur smurfs also willing to drag me into high skill also appreciated :)


                              liar u dont have vhs u dont even have hs noob


                                ^ he's not lying


                                  lol this is a boosted accounted not my smurf lol.. see the 1st game its ranked lmao


                                    and didnt u see the link on first comment? I just like commenting on a 90% winrate acct :)


                                      btw vhs is easy
                                      continuing vhs is hard i just watched some replays did the exact and got vhs :3


                                        then y r u not stomping normal skill :3.. my last match on this acc is tinkers btw


                                          bump cause this is very important


                                            Was there ever a time that there was no limitation on your ending calibration mmr?


                                              What u get from calibrating that solo mmr?