General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for 2-3.5k players for ranked

Looking for 2-3.5k players for ranked in General Discussion
Melancholy LSD

    As the title says, I want some fun people to play with for calibrating my team MMR. No requirements other than that mmr range and if you avg less than 360 xpm/gpm It's a no go unless you main support. Just reply if you wanna play and I'll add you.


      i'll play a game in about an hour or 2



        Melancholy LSD

          Sure ill add you people

          Melancholy LSD

            Cal whats your steam ID cuz there is 21k people named cal.

            : )

              What server do you play? If its sea add me up, just click on them pictures and find the steam id


                I'm 4.5k solo but 3.2k party do I count... :D I also play on US East like you do and I'd love to raise my mmr.

                Melancholy LSD

                  I'll add ya


                    Hey add me if you want.


                      Add me too! 3.5k solo and 3.8k party

                      Melancholy LSD

                        Added all

                        Swap Commends

                          Win rate 37%

                          Melancholy LSD

                            I am fine 12 of those very few ranked games were international ranked and lost them all :) I am 2.3K If you're going to comment something negative don't comment at all.


                              sure, I am in the right range so add me if you like


                                2.4 K party here.

                                Mode : TOPSON

                                  me add me


                                    I am fine 12 of those very few ranked games were international ranked and lost them all :) I am 2.3K If you're going to comment something negative don't comment at all.

                                    That phrase might work chappy IRL but not here

                                    If you're a scrub nobody will want to play with ya, so improve yer winrate before actually going to ranked


                                      Lets make some fun , if you guys
                                      make party . Please join me and i promise will going to enjoy the game . Add me ?


                                        I dunno why some people think their ebin pudge picks is 'fun for the whole family'.

                                        Melancholy LSD

                                          Zarse my reg win rate is 54%.. he was talking about my ranked win rate..