General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen am I going to hit my peak mmr soon. When is the next mmr jump?

When am I going to hit my peak mmr soon. When is the next mmr jump? in General Discussion

    Since calibrating in international ranked I calibrated a small 150 mmr above my current. Keeping in mind I only recently reached 3k. My int ranked has now climbed to 3388 a good 400 mmr above my solo. Based on my games how far can I keep going with climbing and in others experience what are the mmr skill jumps in this area?

    TBH I haven't seen that much of an improvement from areas like 2.9k


      U will get to 4,5 than suddenly u will find out there are more important things in live than mmr, and u will Drop back to 3k again.


        its all gucci until u reach 4.1k where 6k players feed if they cant take core heroes but their recent matches says their "mmr" otherwise :3 skies the limit though

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          i sympathize more with the 6k guys who feed than with 4ks that take cores when matched with 6k players in their team, tbh


            Ull hit a wall before 3.7 k when all tryhard for VHS, then before 4k is another wall if u didint play in this lvl before. If u hit 4 k u meet the most toxic people in dota community untill u leave approximately 4.5 k.


              well im playing in 2k not even telling my real mmr and never feed EVER.. shouldnt action speak louder than words?


                y should someone blab about their "mmr"? isnt that bs triple? I want to hear from u since ur probably a fair commentor


                  well, at certain point (after 5k, i think), most matches have a very high inner mmr variation, so its a common case. it is pretty obvious that on average a 6k player does better than a 5k one, and during the pick stage it is kinda of default situation when the higher rated players have a privilege to pick the roles they want, and the rest adapt. like, good manners or smthng like that. deviating from that decreases ur own chances to win.


                    I will most likely stop playing or reduce playing alot next year. I've left all my friends in the dust in the past 5 months. I was around 1.8k in December


                      Last game with 6k players in I picked carry as lowest mmr and carried there bitching asses to victory. No kappa


                        i've just played high 3k avg game and felt like feeding, too


                          but they are on 4k accounts if they really 6k that wont exempt them from anything since there is no proof that they are really higher mmr


                            @arin I give free kills in high 3k games and still won Kappa

                            Dick Trouser, MD

                              Everyones shit. Every MMR other than maybe the ultra high 5k+ bracket is shit. Even that seems to be shit some of the time. Its the nature of a team game like dota. Coordination is hard with randos with different tendencies in game. Your MMR is fine. If it goes down its fine. The games will be the same. If it goes up its fine. The games will be the same.


                                Hmmm love to start the day with a lose you have no control over since you get a "4k" tinker with a 10 game losing streak and a 2.4k carry who does nothing in a party together