General Discussion

General DiscussionInternational ranked (and general) doubt!

International ranked (and general) doubt! in General Discussion
WC | димитрий

    Hi guys, I know that many of you asked about this topic. I want to keep this simple.

    I tried to improve my mmr with the new battle pass option (It was 1630 solo- 1940 party)

    I played the 10 calibration games and these are my stats

    In the link you will see a screenshot of an excel that I used to calculate my average on this 10 games in the areas that (as far as I’m concerned) are the more important to get a higher mmr.

    I really don’t know how can I get 1.980mmr only, having 14 KDA average ratio and good stats overall (550-450 GPM and XPM) and Tower and Hero Damage.

    Am I missing something? Do you think that my mmr is fair compared to these statistics? Is there any way to claim about this?
    I’m not pretending to get 5K mmr but 2.5-3k would be nicer.

    Waiting for your opinions!
    Regards!! :)

    P.S.: Team mmr is the average estimated in the ranked games. And "oro" means "gold"... just in case

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    King of Low Prio

      you hero dmg is extremely low in alot of games (well below where most supports should be). Avoiding all fights to try and maintain a 'good kda' will not get you a higher mmr.

      We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

        ^ once I ever finish my international you'll see the difference. I been supporting but I'm around 3.5k I think

        We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

          I know I'm 5k at heart kappa

          WC | димитрий

            @King of Low Prio: Well actually that is due to 2 factors. The duration of the game, and in 1k mmr they (both teams) want to fight always. Your team will never analize if it is a good (fair) battle to fight or if it is better to get back and cover. I did not avoid fights, fighted the ones that were clearer for our team... I got my highest Hero damage (29k) with my highest KDA (38 ratio) that means that I did not wait to take kills or assists and that's all.

            I have a few more questions:
            Do I have to play more games (after the 10 calibration games) to stay with this mmr?
            Would you prefer to stay with this or smurf?
            Which area do you believe I should focus on if I would decided to smurf? GPM? XPM?


              I'm 4324 currently on regular ranked.

              My first Sesonal Ranked was in 4050 mmr. Despite having 25/8/17 with Riki, highest Hero DMG on Map and highest XPM also:


              Next match was in 3.845 mmr:

              Don't ask why it says high-skill because I have no idea. Avg. Was 3.8.

              After that one, I got this one, avg of 3.9k :

              Last one that I played few minutes ago: 3.950 avg

              But to be fair, I underperformed in a lot of matches, so this are expected results. Maybe with expection of my firrst Riki match.

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              Let me go

                Well, stats mean nothing. Watch more pro games and improve your micro-control skills. Learn and understand why you lose games. Be aware of the period that you are in advantage or disadvantage (when to avoid fights & push towers & smoke gank). Since you are able to solo kill in every game in first 10 minutes, you will get higher mmr quickly. I am 5.3k right now and hope this could help and forgive my poor english.


                  Your english is fine mate. Thank you for your tips.

                  King of Low Prio


                    there is no reason for a game like that at all if you want to calibrate high

                    WC | димитрий

                      @King of Low Prio: Dude.. Did you look at the Outworld Devourer in my team? He got every kill! I could not even assist. He went mid and got feeded. That time he was the best in our team. Eventually I got the second best XPM and GPM, TD, and KDA ratio in my the team... I did not play bad...

                      King of Low Prio

                        If you dont think you played poorly that game then I do what else I can do to help you are incapable of taking criticism.

                        WC | димитрий

                          @King of Low Prio Man... chill out... I accept that my stats in that match weren't super high. But I'm just saying that I was the second best (the best one there was the Outworld) compared to the rest of my teammates and the ones in the other team. That's why I conclude that in that particular match I did not play that bad.

                          King of Low Prio

                            No you had the lowest game impact that game you where 5th, even lower if we added the other team in too


                              i dont know much about calibration stuff.
                              but i have several games with stats like u,
                              and i stuck at 2k mmr.

                              so i think the ppl are right, we have to get
                              better or accept we belong there where we
                              are ;)


                                u overestimate urself so much

                                WC | димитрий

                                  @King of Low Prio: In HD I was the worst one (in that particular game) you are right. But In the rest of the stats (GPM, XPM, TD, and KDA Ratio) I was the second best of all players. Did you get my point?

                                  Do you think that HD is more important than the rest of the stats? How much would be a good average? I'm trying to understand. I don't want to sound like a jerk

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    You went midas and did not contribute to the win at all, you are pulling out useless stats to justify your position. Its like if a LC goes jungle and gets midas sure he will have great looking stats but you will prob lose unless carried

                                    WC | димитрий

                                      @King of Low Prio: OK dude. You are right... I'm pulling "useless stats" and midas does not help at all. Dota creates items that are useless. It is funny anyways because you are just concentrating in 1 ("my worst one") out of those 10 game.
                                      You are not advicing, you are starting to sound like a real jerk. A good advice would be "balance your HD with your KDA" instead to try to fight me in a discussion where I already accepted that it was not my best performance.



                                        Samson has a point though. I don't focus on that calibration mumbo jumbo, but Samson knows what's up. My advice is listen to him. One game is all it takes to ruin calibration


                                          u suck


                                            well when u play with 2k mmr u got fair kda. so i think 2k suit u