General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyway I could win this?

Anyway I could win this? in General Discussion
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    Tiny blamed me all the time

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      You had the lowest amount of hero dmg in your whole team, your item build is kinda all over the place, you died pretty often for playing an elusive hero considering the only real lockdown was necro ult and blackhole. Pretty sure you could've atleast played better that game.


        4.2k item and a slot wasted for cooldown reduction only for ultimate


          Warning, 3k post incoming.

          I would say that even choice of faceless void into this setup was bad since noone really took advantage from your ulti (except from Mirana safely hitting arrow and bs hitting blood rite) and you had like 5 greedy cores?.

          I think your whole team composition and item choices were bad since you had:
          - no real sustain (noone built pipes againt magic damage from your enemies, no mek, no arc boots carrier, no urn etc)
          -you whole team could get kited pretty easily (except for Mirana but I don't get how she can have such low hd with aghs)
          -you should perhaps get blink dagger for iniciation so you can use timewalk to backtrack damage (perhaps you would die less?)
          -Your hero damage is really bad but I supposse that you farmed all day all night without a farming steroid (thus pretty slowly) so your items came late (and if you got aghs early, dmg came even later)

          Looking at your team's items and team composition I'm suprised you even managed to take middle raxes.


            iam asking myself. what did the sven in your team?

            Dire Wolf

              -Blink is core on void. He can't initiate chrono well enough without it.
              -I don't like the void pick there. I can't see when you picked but you don't sync with anyone on your team besides mirana, well aside from bloods silence. Void really only works well in combos, some really good ones are invoker, aa, witch dr, sniper, drow, medusa. Ranged heroes who hit hard with nukes or right clicks. I don't like void when he's just kind of thrown in, would rather have a regular disabler like tide or cent.

              Swap Commends

                I am not saying I did 100% well,we were actually ahead of the enemy so I thought its safe to turn void from fight utilizer into late carry.
                I always find aghs a win item for void & yes for cd since team started throwing & use buy backs.
                Void is not a damage hero this patch (unless u go radi void) so Idk why u insist on HD this match since I made mkb late game not early game.
                The thing is tiny made shadow blade vs zeus instead of bkb and bought crit2 without AC or aghs.ignore the HD,he has the highest feed in team yet he blame me (wutface)
                Imo bs & mirana & sven had no idead how to play their heroes.Landing some spells & attacks then feed.

                Good question.I have no idea myself.

                No,I made those farms in my offlane & the rest in pushing.


                  Well, if you can't do the damage in chrono and there's NOONE who benefits from chrono (unless you can perform a perfect chrono with 3 enemies right on the edges so Tiny and Sven can punch them), why would you even choose void and if so, why would you build aghs? That's a major flaw as Dire Wolf said, you need some1 to combo with your ult or it's basicaly useless and you could go offlane with tide and do better job.

                  Dire Wolf

                    yeah I really don't like void at all this patch, all the combo heroes aren't popular. It's a right click mid game carry meta with slark, lc, lifestealer, plus the occasional tinker and mirana thrown in etc. Not centered around team fight wombo combos anymore.

                    Best Treant EU

                      aghanim sceptre was good choice here. also the mkb. but void needs manta + diffusal to deal dmg in chrono solo. if u had this items u should kill every hero in chrono, besides the fat am. chrono + bs silence is very good combo if bs times it good, which i doubt in ur bracket. also good voids can place chronos where ur melee hero can attack frozen heroes. but i dount u are able to do that properly. basically u could have won this game, if u were a good void player, cause void can fuck up everyone late game.


                        TBH, Void is a bad pick in that game. Here's why:-
                        1. You have 3 melee cores that can't do much in chrono; except maybe BS AOE silence for after chrono follow up (provided you acually had a 3-5 man chrono, otherwise he would have saved it for other heroes outside the chrono or to zone heroes out).
                        2. No blink dagger on Void is bad with the new changes.
                        3. Void is played more as an initiator and situational hero now, you are not doing that. Chrono can be used to zone out heroes for example.
                        4. You need farm as much as your 3 cores, and there's only that many places you can do that.
                        5. You already have a situational hero, Mirana, and no hard support. Why not just play a support if you are last pick? Unless you're 1st-3rd pick, your team mates might be idiots.
                        6. As a fight utilizer, your skills are fked up. You didn't level time dilation against a very heavily spell dependent team.

                        Non-void related observation:-
                        1. Item choices are highly questionable not only on you but other heroes.
                        2. They counter picked you guys.
                        3. No items to counter them.
                        4. No team fight items; mek, pipe, etc.

                        So to answer your question,

                        No. You guys will not be able to win for 3 reasons.
                        1. You guys not playing as a team.
                        2. No real support.
                        3. Fighting for farm.

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                        Swap Commends

                          ^ You right.When the team goes full retard u can only follow :d

                          Story Time

                            who was the first pick and who was the last here?