General Discussion

General DiscussionDisheartening

Disheartening in General Discussion
Vicious D.

    Hello dotabuff gods , this is more of a rant have anybody feel disheartening or doubt when trying to climb the toxic and the bottom pit of hell of the 3k MMR ladder ? , there are games that just get you and make you consider quitting dota not because of flaming but mostly because everybody thinks they are the Primetime Burning anti-mages. I lost 4 games last night and all for of them have people going jungler while giving the enemies safe laner free farm and our own safelane getting run over. i know i need to get better but damn how can you win a game like this ? please share anything similar to those experience should i give up climbing and just play for fun ? or should i keep grinding the mmr , my original goal is to get to 3.5k then set another goal but it just seem impossible at all.

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        Go full tryhard mode if you want to climb, always pick the best hero for the line up give your best, be concious, select your role last so you can adjust accordingly, for example, venge can go harass an offlaner on her own, cm can't, if you have a jungler, try to make the best of it, and convince your team to pick an offlaner that can create pressure and doesn't just stay back and gain exp.


          Also spec is shit right now, if i am not mistaken


            Spec is fine.

            Vicious D.

              i know i tried to do that but they picked support at the start of the match so i was force to go HC and i have quite few success with Spec the i brought them the wards as well since if i dont do it they wouldn't do it that just 1 example there are many game like that , yes i have raised about 300mmr going support and literally sticking with the HC , won most of the matches some game you just cant win at all no matter what you do , what im saying it posible to 1v9 and win at least until 3.5k then i rethink my options ?


                I went from 2.8k MMR to 3.3k MMR by randoming every game then I stopped randoming coz people started to get tilted by my first pick random at min so I stopped randoming and now I am 3.5k MMR. Im sure I can climb more if I keep randoming but I dont feel like it anymore. So here the thing, random every game, if you get carry get extra regen and stats, if you get mid then ez mid for you, if you get offlane same as carry and if you get support either you have plenty of strting gold which is great or buy your mid a bottle and watch them desteoy the enemy midlaner with a double gold advantage at level 1.


                  when you lose 10 to 15 games in a row like me you'll know the true desperation.
                  Just keep playin, and yes, solo queue is a true sadness to do, so dont expect much joy out of it, think about it more like a mental challange.

                  Keep sane or lose your mind? that is the question

                  Livin' Real Good

                    Yeah fuck solo que, i'm done with that shit, I just wanna get 5K party now, it's just not good for your health, it's honestly that bad.

                    But honestly, if you have the skills of a 4K, you can probably get to 5K if you have a good mindset, there's more psychology to Dota then you think. Just being nicer to your teammates can probably earn you 500-1000 MMR, believe it or not. I don't mean be nice a few games, then have a few bad games, and then say "fuck being nice!" I mean, a person who is nice for the next 200 games (win or lose) will win wayyyy more than a person with a shitty attitude (when they're losing, EVEN when they're winning sometimes as well) for 200 games. You have to think about the long run. Also watching your ego at the hero selection screen plays a factor, if someone steals your role, and no one wants to support, you should definitely report the guy (but don't tell him you're reporting him, he will just report you back, lower your behavior score, and then be all mad when he's trying to carry) don't be stubborn, just let them get their way, you'll win more, and not have to play a pointless all carry game.

                    There's a lot more examples, but I wish I knew how powerful being nice was when I was trying to solo climb, would probably be higher than 4.2.

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                    Al Bundy

                      Honestly man change your server if your connection is good enough.
                      3 to 4k on eu is a lot of account buyers and shit people.
                      3k on asia is way more balanced i mean you still get unwinnable games but people in general got some skills and some heroe knowledge support buy wards most game.
                      I switched to asia and i have much better experience with it.

                      Also before you go asia train yourself.
                      I looked through your games for you man.
                      You do good some games and horrible others even if you win your score isnt always that great.
                      Find a heroe for me its lifestealer ursa and void for you i think its treant,omni and necro.
                      Those are 3 good supports keep praticing them if you get as good as possible and you dont make to many mistakes you can easily turn a loosing game around with them and you are already quite good with them for 3k.
                      I think you can go up that way on asia we lost because of omni with no racks and towers left he delayed the game with refresher and aga long enough for them to make a comeback.

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                      Vicious D.

                        at some point in my dota goal i was super nice positive even to the most toxic players around me. but idk what happened along the line i started to get furious specially i think it all started when i lost winnable games where we have a huge advantage and game is ready to win the carry decide to go solo and get pick off or refusing to take objective and idle farming and process to lose the game because game when well pass 50min.. all in all is frustrating and when u can control or people wont listen it like everybody have his own agenda.

                        i will try the asian server see if it better im playing NA and EU atm sometimes i get really good teammate and sometime i just smh... im working toward support hero because i have a bit of experience playing as carry i know what he needs sometime i get praise and commended by many carry players and something get flamed , i mostly play support because i believe is the hardest part of the game beside offlane.


                          - I think you are lucky to be @ 3k, well the way you should play at 3k - always try to counter slark because nubs always pick slark, take LC, or AA, probably you have to pick AA, because no supports in team n shit.
                          - Never care about your items when you are supporting, just buy wards and shit, even if you have brown boots, just keep buying shit for team, salves, wards, courrier n shit, never stop doing it even if your team sucks.
                          - Try to pick support who has healing, so your noob carry wouldn't be running to base every 2 mins, and you should find some way how to give him mana.
                          - I suggest you don't pick support like shaman, and Lion, because teams mostly doesn't know how to use your stuns.
                          - You should most of the times in early game TP, to save other lanes if they are getting ganked or are about to die. And sometimes you should gank other lanes.
                          - Never stop trying in the games, just play them till the end, it's possible to win and loose against mega creeps, had both of these games. Game is not over untill its over always remember this. =]
                          - So overall just heal your team give them mana and some vision and easy wins should be incoming.

                          And sorry for my bad english just trying to be helpfull. Gl.

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                          Vicious D.

                            "- I think you are lucky to be @ 3k, well the way you should play at 3k - always try to counter slark because nubs always pick slark, take LC, or AA, probably you have to pick AA, because no supports in team n shit. "

                            This is the exact reason why i play mostly support... and a lot of time i only have brown boots until 15min into the game we turn a fight around i get some money alway carrying ward and extra salve for those carry and if we win those carry would say something like GG carried the game ... commend me and dont get me started with the SOLO SUPPORT BS already buying everything giving vision and extra healing while trying to get 1 mango for any incoming early fight and those greedy fuckers who pick 4 core and 1 of them decided to dive deep for a 1 or 2 CS and get kill would goes and say something like GG no ward shit support ... everytime i see that comment it tilt me so much

                            Al Bundy

                              Vicious D. there are about 1 in 100 carries you will meet who appreaciates a good support.
                              I am one of those i commend supports for supporting if they do their job well but i have played support as my main role before so i do know how fucking horrible people are to supports.
                              I have been bitched at as support for not warding the map when observers wards were out of stock and i had warded the most urgent spots so we had basic vision.
                              He simply was to stupid to understand that there is a freaking limit to observer wards you can buy even though i explained it to him.
                              Dont let it get you down man we need good supports keep up the good supporting.

                              Vicious D.

                                i have keep trying i think up to this point just keep playing and see where its goes , it might not be fun but it a goal regardless i guess i need to lower the goal instead of aiming for 3.5 aim for 3.1 then 3.2 and so on ... like someone say this process might not even be healthy at all having to go through for so much toxicity

                                Eternal Meow

                                  I mainly play unranked because I get tired of the toxic players. I thought maybe if I get my mmr higher there will be less toxic players, but I think it's not the case.

                                  If toxic ranked players are making the game unenjoyable it might be better to just play for fun in unranked.

                                  Carries love yelling at supports. They believe if they are doing badly it's because of the bad support. But if they are doing well, they think it has nothing to do with support and it's because they are such great carries. It's like nobody can see their own mistakes. A good support makes playing carry easy. The carry just sees they had an easy game and thinks it's because they are awesome and support didn't do much.

                                  Speak English, Pick Stuns

                                    I would advise against playing on useast ever. It might as well be called South America because they have infested it.

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                                    Vicious D.

                                      i cant avoid useast i dont even have the asia option , US EAST is the most toxic one i dont want to sound racist but south america players are the biggest shit talker ever i dont mind shit talking since i play basketball but , but those dota kid are not even good but they just like to open their mouth lol , i Q exclusively EU now is a bit better.


                                        who would buy a 3k or 4k account

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                                          Actually 4k accounts are the best you might buy.

                                          Al Bundy

                                            So everyone on eu east is a stuck up republican whos gonna vote for trump?
                                            Explains the amount of votes he got.
                                            How is eu better?
                                            I come from eu and its toxic to the point of no return.
                                            Have you tried dubai?

                                            Also i suggest find some really good players who can take care of you.
                                            All you need is one really good carry you always play team ranked with and you can win with omni + good carry easy.
                                            Forget solo as support its toxic on us and eu.
                                            You need to get that special someone who owns them all after you did your part by warding and saving/helping him initiate.

                                            Also never buy a 4k account i dont know about 4k on us but 4k on eu is fucking full of account players some of which put 2k players at shame with the amount of shit they say in chat and how bad they play.
                                            They think hey i bought a 4k account i am god now and thats how they act too.
                                            Also i had a 3.5k player on my team he went carry bought battle fury as sniper and actually wrote in chat that is a legit build i then looked through match history 1 won game in 2 weeks and 23 lost ones then i scrolled down all of a sudden his stats looked like a true 3.5k player 2 months earlier than the game after his calibration this account was doing so bad i could clearly see its a different person playing.


                                            A Bearded Asshole.


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                                              Over the past year I've grinded and climbed from 2.5k to 4k... As far as I've seen... Sea server is full of cancerous players.. They go troll items.. Can't farm etc.. You pick carry.. The support steals your farm.. You pick support.. The carry dives tier 2 towers chasing after a rune stealing pheonix.. The sea server has people who believe they are ee and miracle.. Going ember safelane.. Offlane solo drow.. Etc.. Imo.. If you play ranked.. Go on European servers.. There are far less retards and throwers there.. And in terms of heroes.. Every patch has a speciality.. This one has slark axe invo.. Some clinkz.. Every game choose a role and stick by it.. While climbing the ladder... I played a shit load of silencer.. A very aggressive support... Ganking.. Tping and rotating all over the map.. Right from minute can't babysit an idiot carry.. He's gonna dive.. Get baited or run in against a 3 man gank with no mana.. Do not babysit.. Instead.. Find every kill you can.. Harass every Lane.. Even 1 HD can throw the odds in your favor a little bit.. If you go carry... Always carry tp.. And pick and a carry which counters the other carry in some way.. Against slark.. I prefer to go sven or spec.. tb is really good too.. Against sven.. It's all about running in circles until his ultimate goes out.. So on so forth.. While carrying.. Make sure to tp to every major fight.. I've seen a tb ask farm for 45 min.. And get raped brutally. .. Late game. So.. It's very important to tp to fights... Every killl counts.. Lastly... Do not play greedy.. It will only cause you to lose games

                                              Vicious D.

                                                LOL bearded asshole anyway punt intended idk my experience so far EU a far better than my usual US east maybe im a bit luckier in that department that why i think EU is a bit better.

                                                TOOK YOU A YEAR TO GET TO 4k ? from 2.5k ??? damn when i decided to chase mmr it was like a month ago i raised from 2.7 to 3k that a month ago and i was able to do by spamming support heroe now im stuck in 2.9k to 3k i was almost able to break pass 3.1k then started losing again that why its so freaking difficult .. i guess the hardest part is not to try rely on my teammates but if no support what elses is good ?? you have to know people in this bracket doesnt know what carrying TP means.... an Example i was supporting my carry in a dual lane i warded the usual ganking spot we knew it was coming they make a 4 man rotation they stood there for a while some of them with 65% hp due to harassment from me we pinged the tower to ask the other lane to come and help they spotted us and dived to our tower between juke and heals we manage to hold it off for a while and for the entire 2-3 min that took 0 TP came our way mid was just happily farming top was just farming then the jungler. we should have left the lane but that mean we would have lost a T1 for nothing just the 5 if 2 of them TP to our aid we would have killed all of them. under our tower.

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                                                Al Bundy

                                                  No it took me a year to go from 600 solo to 3.8k solo and 650 team to 2.851 mmr team.
                                                  If no one comes give up tower.
                                                  I have made combacks with 1 rack left for 20 mins.
                                                  Better one tower than dying 5 times to protect it giving them shitloads more gold than the tower.

                                                  You also need to learn to counterpick man.
                                                  I looked through your games and more than 60 % were lost from the start because of your teams picks.

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