General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy so many people like to jungle carry?

Why so many people like to jungle carry? in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    i just met a JUNGLE SVEN and blaming my support and my safe lane because they do not get farmed. idk man . pub > ranked recently for me.

    and those jungle legions buying midas omfg
    any tips how to win with weak lanes?


      Jungle legion=%95 lose

      Gif me mana

        nerf jungling in early lvls

        Gif me mana

          or just pick early on a roaming hero so they can't leave 1-1-1 lanes, the problem is obviously that you have to pick a roaming hero, you can't go everywhere



            Jungle 52.01%

            WR 47.66%

            Seems higher than this 95% lose / also higher than your WR in normal matches.. ouch that's bad

            Этот комментарий был изменён

              I lose games because noobs like you and jungle lc's

              sin blyadi

                Jungle lc is still better than useless heroes like rubick or cm

                Gif me mana

                  can't agree with cm a bad hero, she has an insane winrate in every bracket. Also cm jungle is actually pretty legit as long as she can do some moves and gank early on. Also cm jungle means that your supports have farm and lvls instead of a crap dueling the first enemy he sees on the minimap...

                  Fee Too Pee

                    currently have medusa jungler in enemy team. wtf people like jungle so much

                    Dire Wolf

                      cus it's brainless that's why. Can't lose lane and rage.

                      But jungle lc is actually good, so long as your team can handle it and you have good offlaner, good solo support for safe lane. Cus lc is probably the fastest jungler besides enigma right now. Ursa and lycan are still fine too. Lycan sucks balls in lane, ursa is good but a totally different build and needs support to be good.

                      Everything else is kinda bad jungle. Lifestealer and doom are much better in lane right now. Sven and medusa same plus they jungle fucking slow. Jug and troll jungle a tad too slow right now. TB... TB might be ok jungle not sure.

                      Swap Commends

                        Bcuz they suck at lane


                          NP no longer a good jungle?

                          Your Wife's Boyfriend

                            jungle is awful, better go the old 2 1 2, my quality of games improved when I stopped picking junglers

                            Miku Plays

                              I jungle void

                              Livin' Real Good

                                Cause it's easy to do, you can just relax and get free farm, and it takes no skill. Even if it does cost your team early game sometimes, due to your safe lane Spectre being killed over and over by an Axe+undying off-lane, while you jungle with no impact and complain about them dying.

                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                  People jungle because they can't last hit but don't want to support
                                  Either that or its a good pick.
                                  Example: an enigma goes great with your team, but he needs farm for blink n stuff, so as long as you have a good offlaner its not a bad idea.
                                  I think the real problem is people are so quick to hate on junglers, yes jungle LC or cm or Luna is horrible but some heros like NP, enigma, Lycan are better off in the jungle then taking up a safelane or struggling in an offlane.

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    Yeah, most of the time lanes are called, people will do anything to get out of supporting, so they'll just do what everyone does, Jungle LC, I mean pick a jungler.

                                    One time I remember I picked a mid first cause no one was picking and we were losing gold, every picked a core, we had jungling Lone Druid, and a last pick Ursa who actually went to go jungle the enemies jungle, that's how desperate he was about not having to play support, we lost.

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      Like recently I met okay legions with rush blink dagger and actually roaming around pressure all lane make the early weak worth. but fucking jungle Sven after spectre pick and blaming our poor solo support and raped safe lane just make me tilt so hard. Road 4k is hard boys

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                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                        I hate it when a jungle carry picked last in a ranked match. Theres a one game that we have a solo offlane disruptor and the PL got a free farm.


                                          For me i really hate furion that tp on the cliff in radiant and afk farm for the whole game and doesnt even lvl his 3rd and never EVER gank


                                            at 2-3k mmr for carry, 30 last hit per 10min is still hard to do. while the expectation is 60-70 LH per 10min

                                            so people pick jungle when obviously on 2k-3k bracket it won't be hinder by anyone. they can free farm for those 10 min and get much gold than the safelane carry.

                                            2k-3k last hit skills is pretty bad. jungle nullified it.


                                              Rubick useless hero rofl. Fucking 2k plebs

                                              Pale Mannie

                                                It felt good to roam as SK to this LC jungler harassing her and their team did nothing but flaming her.


                                                  Taking last hits at 2k-3k mmr as a carry is easy. What are you talking about?

                                                  Koh Chok Kin

                                                    2k-3k people dunno how to picking hero and how to roles works.

                                                    rubick cm useless hero? whats wrong with u

                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                      Useless heroes in my games : sniper (literally no damage , serious), pugna , fail junglers , storm spirit (shit pushing , still weak), enchantress , kunka (met someone max skill 2 , stats , and ultimate no torrent)


                                                        Everything can work in normal skill bracket, especially lc Jung, 5k ppl will punish u hard for it and thus 95% of 5k lc junglers will lose in their bracket

                                                        ASSESS Product

                                                          saw jungler enemy insta pick bh

                                                          Al Bundy

                                                            Everything else is kinda bad jungle. Lifestealer and doom are much better in lane right now. Sven and medusa same plus they jungle fucking slow. Jug and troll jungle a tad too slow right now. TB... TB might be ok jungle not sure.


                                                            You serious lifes awesome in jungel atm he can get midas + 4k item in 14 to 16 mins depending on how much hes ganked.


                                                              The only jungler with some impact are:

                                                              - enigma
                                                              - chen
                                                              - and sometimes LC if he get blink around 8-9 min

                                                              and ofc against greedy lineups. In other cases u jsut cant afford jungler.


                                                                Isnt doom a jungler/ roamer in most 5k MMR pubs?


                                                                  I think I have enough impact with jungling Tidehunter.

                                                                  Russland only plz

                                                                    u cant miss ck

                                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                                      MY LIFESTEALER BLAMING MID FOR FAILING. (alch get ganked so many times). when we said its because no support at mid. he said "Mid do not need support , are you idiot? if you cannot mid then do not mid" WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE JUNGLER. (He afk farm and then go treads and STRAIGHT DESOLATOR AND OFF COURSE BEING USELESS) my brain omfg

                                                                      how to play with jungler like these


                                                                        if you want to learn how to play jungle correctly watch a LoL jungler. You may be opposed but the jungle camps are so spread out and it so hard to get farm souly from the camps that they are practically forced to gank other lanes. It helps me alot with me playing jungle here on dota. (phoenix infest bomb into sunray is the best)

                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                          i lvl1 jungle with am works good


                                                                            an lc who rushes a dagg is cool. (I go treads>dag then gank supports)


                                                                              Lol everyone complaining about junglers. @KEEPFEEDINGITSALREADYOVER. I played LC for 25 games, all juggling. My win rate is 76% (19W-6L). And oh, I'm NOT in your normal skill bracket btw lol. Its easier to say that jungling sucks if you DO NOT know how to jungle the right way. Im out, peace.


                                                                                this vangaurd buff makes jungling way easier

                                                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                                                  i am okay with LC jungle dagger rush and roam. but the problem is afking straight damage items carries jungle is fucking useless even u farmed because all towers already lost.

                                                                                  btw i lost 100 mmr today feelsbadman


                                                                                    pls every fa**ot picking lc jungle delete game


                                                                                      im an innovator on greedy jungle...
                                                                                      LC, ursa, lifestealer and NP are for newbies
                                                                                      we, the true greedy junglers, we pick medusa or naga and mute both teams as the peruvian gods demands


                                                                                        They can't handle playing vs players, so they choose the easy way to get farm - Jungle.
                                                                                        Jungle carries are ruining a lot of games.


                                                                                          well, even an anti mage can farm bf by 13 minutes in the wood, so there's absolutely no reason (for lower mmr player) to not go in the wood, as it require little to no skill to farm more than in the lane.

                                                                                          Little to no skill require to farm in the wood, what an excellent player, in best condition can achieve to farm in lane

                                                                                          Edit: yeah forgot the "not" ^^

                                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                            well, even an anti mage can farm bf by 13 minutes in the wood, so there's absolutely no reason (for lower mmr player) to go in the wood, as it require little to no skill to farm more than in the lane.
                                                                                            Little to no skill require to farm in the wood, what an excellent player, in best condition can achieve to farm in lane


                                                                                              believe he meant to say " there's absolutely no reason for low mmr players to not go in the woods" and the paragraph would make sense

                                                                                              Arek Akashi

                                                                                                Me.I only jungle core if I tryhard , but then I dont blame anyone, I just telll them try no to go 0-15 at min 10 and we won

                                                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                                Best Treant EU

                                                                                                  i don't get all the jungle hate. its basically a free farmed core. in my opinion offlane has to be solo anyway. its only bad when enemy has riki or bounty.
                                                                                                  works with my jungling bs 73% of the time and recently i found sven jungle to be even more effective :)
                                                                                                  the fastest jungler is enigma and bs -> u can hit lvl 6 in 5 min and outxp the mid player. lc, chen, sven are fast too.

                                                                                                  stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                                    I actually don't mind jungle LC or jungle Lifestealer as long as they rotate when they get their first key item. (blink/armlet/shadowblade whatever)


                                                                                                      NP jungles good wtf. His stupid ass hard hitting treants allow you to jungle so fast


                                                                                                        cause poeple rarely buy sentry and put it in camps that way blocks jungle , in low bracket poeple dont know this trick