General Discussion

General DiscussionProof that we need more than 6 slots

Proof that we need more than 6 slots in General Discussion

    So... i played a roaming bara that carried on him 1)wards+sentries, 2)quelling(for dewarding), 3)dust, 4)treads and 5)urn, 6)armlet all game long. All of my slots were occuppied and we lost many kills because there were times that i couldn't have on me a quelling/dust over a better component of an item and there were times we missed many invis kills and times that i could have survived with that extra item . I know this is likely not ever going to happen but i wonder if you ever had games where you thought the exact same thing as i did.

    Tip: I would have won this game but in the end when their throne was 1000hp i started writing to all, 2 of them buybacked, i froze while ember froze too and we were hitting the throne instead of trying to kill them first and in the end we lost because of that.

    Keep calm and love karma.

    Эта тема была изменена

      Part of the balance of the items is around the number of slots you have. I imagine it would also make support life even worse in the late game as hard farmers cap is so much higher.

      That's also why instead of giving more slots there are more, less cost effective and expensive items. The change to allow wards and sentries to fit in the same slot was also a godsend for support in this regard.

      I definitely remember games where my inventory consisted of boots, tp, wards, sentries, dust and ONE item of my choice!


        You could have probably let go of dust since your SB ull just stun them to death within sentry vision. Also not having quelling blade lost Arterzy 2 divines but the other item was more valuable in most scenarios.


          at some point of the game, having 6 or 8 slot doesn't mean anything for a carry (well, we almost could give a free slot to pur right click carry like troll, to ensure that at least at 80 minutes, they start to pee on carry that have some spell)

          it would just help support and heroes that make use of all cheap item (like armlet)


            tinker need this


              the life of a melee support, FeelsBadMan


                @matrice - Surely with more slots carries would build more, cheaper items?

                Generally speaking the more an item costs the less cost effective it is. The benefit being slot efficiency instead. gg branch most cost effective stats in the game, etc.

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                    They should make gem of true sight like moonshard

                    Dire Wolf

                      just make consumable items not take up slots/go in a separate inventory, bam fixed. Or if you only wish to save supports then dust and wards don't take up slots.


                        I highly doubt we'll ever see extra general slots. That being said, I could see a change one day where they decide boots go on your feet, so they don't take up a slot (or, rather, you get a boot slot). Or perhaps wards not taking a slot. Or maybe TPs.

                        I think all of those would be pretty cool, but I can see where the ward one could be a little controversial and hurt invis heroes. Later in the game when every single hero on the enemy team is carrying 2-4 sentry wards, that could get a little rough.

                        At the same time though, today there's so many cool low to mid priced items that I'd like to see what would happen if, say TPs didn't take a slot anymore. I think it would be a positive thing. And it would encourage people to carry more TPs!


                          The lack of detection because of slot limitation is the only real issue, and I think a slot for Truesight only(gem, sentries, dust) makes sense. The first kind of detection you buy would fill that slot and any other detection would go into your normal spots. Otherwise slot management is part of the game and you have to decide what is more important. If you have a melee support who cant deward certain spots, that is just part of the game and you are at a disadvantage from your pick, just like you would be if you made a bad pick in general.


                            consumables not being in inventory might be ok.. you'd probably get some 6 gg branch strats tho


                              I think the should be an extra Slot where u can just take Wards in.


                                Buy a personal flying courier , he will catch up

                                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                  Yep, I thought about that, some items should be consumables, like "Aghanim Scepter" because on heroes like QoP it's necessary to carry it , but at late game probably needs to be sold. My idea about that it's nerf the stats given from Aghanim but keep the spell buff within.
                                  I don't see the same situation with other items, but it could be with the same way drums (0 charges) vladimirs, Diffusal (0 charges) Battlefury, Dragon lance (maybe), echo sabre (maybe) vanguard. Core and late game items like Abyssal, radiance, mkb, and others. should not be consumable because it would be so imba. so much advantage from flash farming heroes (alchemist, antimage, np)