General Discussion

General DiscussionBlunts International Ranked Diary

Blunts International Ranked Diary in General Discussion
acc buyers in my team

    So i decided to make this thread to see how this international ranked compares to the normal ranked calibration. So far the MMR disparity is WAY higher than normal ranked. It's almost comical. Here are some links and information to the ranked experience i made thus far, i will post avg MMR and will post mmr of accounts to give you guys an idea how much the MMR differences and how the calibration works. I will also post the final result after 10 games and we will see how this works out. I decided to tryhard and even bought 2 monster drinks to not fall asleep and stay awake.

    Sidenote: I'm playing on my 4.7k alt account and i have currently 5.9k on my highest mmr account which peaked at 6.5k. I will try and spam meepo as much as possible since it's by far my best hero, to see how much it's possible to gain as a high 5k player on a 4k trash account. Sadly my perfomance isn't as great as i hoped due to lags (i suppose the servers are not very stable due to high load).
    The MMR dprovided are all MMR from the NORMAL RANKED not international ranked, thus far everyone was TBD so i can only tell you for sure who was highest.

    Game 1:
    Avg mmr 5k flat (queue time around 3mins):

    Team 1
    Meepo: 4.7k
    Phoenix: 4.4k
    Terrorblade: 5.1k (highest)
    Omniknight: 4.7k
    Juggernaut: 5k

    Team 2
    Legion Commander: 5.1k
    Lone Druid: 4.6k
    Silencer: 5k (highest)
    Brewmaster: 4.8k
    Ursa: 4.9k
    Description: My team was utter Dogshit, literally autistic. I had to carry the game alone, phoenix was flaming hardcore like a retard. Despite the MMR being in our favor by 120 or so, the game was imbalanced and unfair to the highest degree, possibly the worst game in 2016 for me yet.

    Game 2:
    Avg mmr 4.1k (yes you read right, queue time 7mins).
    Silencer: 4.3k (highest)
    Slark: 4k
    Broodmother: 4.5k
    Lion: 4.4k
    Templar Assassin: 5.1k

    Pugna: 5.2k
    Wraith King: 4.4k
    Timbersaw: 4.7k
    Shadow Shaman: 4.3k
    Meepo: 4.7k (highest)
    Descriptrion: Game was fairly balanced, the WK was slightly autistic but overall the game was good. Weird part is, that apparently the MMR went down by a lot since it was 4.1k avg. I assume because of the disparity being insanely high that match, even the normal MMR of the people range from 4k flat to 5.2k which is a wooping 1.2k difference.

    Game 3:
    Avg mmr 4.3k(queue time 6-7mins):
    Puck: 3k flat (yes you read right)
    Witch Doctor: 4.9k
    Bounty Hunter: 4.7k
    Slardar: 4.5k (highest)
    Sven: 5k

    Phandom Assassin: 4.7k
    Juggernaut: 4.9k (stack) (highest)
    Crystal Maiden: 4.3k (stack)
    Windranger: 4.5k
    Venomancer: 4.4k
    Description: The game was pretty weird, the 3k flat puck destroyed our 4.5k WR mid, but he did very poorly in teamfights and had very bad reactions. The game disparity was insane again, all ranging from 3k flat to 5k flat, which is a wooping 2k difference. That game was fairly balanced again, even tho we should have gotten rekt.

    Game 4:
    Avg mmr 4.2k (queue time around 5mins)
    Mirana: 3.7k (stack)
    Medusa: 4.7k (stack) (highest)
    Queen Of Pain: 4.4k
    Pudge: 4.5k
    Bounty Hunter: 3.5k

    Sven: 4.1k
    Meepo: 4.7k
    Riki: 4k (highest)
    Enigma: 5.2k (stack)
    Timbersaw: 4k (stack)
    Description: I failed this game pretty hard. Due to insane lags which i failed so much and couldn't do anything really (thanks 4g internet). I could have won the game but sadly i did some mistakes due to lag and tilt. Our enigma was way to busy flaming everythone and tell everyone how he is 5.2k solo. I suspect he might be an acc buyer since he played really poorly, the lastpick riki instead of support basicially made everyone tilt hard as well. The game was in favor for the enemy but was carryable, sadly misplays and lags made it rather bad for calibration.

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    ASSESS Product

      So did you get +25 mmr everytime you win or it just display tbd?

      acc buyers in my team

        During calibration you should be able to gain around 250 points if you stomp, at least if its the same as the normal Ranked calibration.


          Well, I don't think anyone expected it to be balanced.

          acc buyers in my team

            God damit 4g internet, i will rek yo ass.

            Swap Commends

              U are playing from the same machine that played your main & smurfs?
              If yes,so u will be starting from high MMR avg.
              For trash MMR players it won't be the same.


                Добрый вечер, ребят!
                Такая глупая просьба. Не знаю, возможно и встретится такой человек, который подарит компендиум. Никогда не бывало, очень хочу. Но, к сожалению, нет возможности приобрести его...
                Поэтому, если даже и найдется такой человек, помогу чем смогу, скину не личный шмот и т.д.
                Заранее спасибо!