General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich hero IN DOTA is the best supporter ?

Which hero IN DOTA is the best supporter ? in General Discussion

    And why ?


      none, different in every game


        Omni total support for idiot teammates


          oracle superior to all

          Guy Riki



              OPknight for every reason


                cm wd omni oracle are hard supps they r the best




                    Earth spirit and lion,stun and silence,nuff said (although ES is very hard to use)

                    Player 175043649

                      every support is good


                        As much as I like omni, i find ogre fun to play... due to his ingame dialogues


                          *warning, low mmr advise incoming*

                          depends on lineup. When solo supporting its usually best to pick supports that can be effective just with boots, wand and glimmer/force staff/blink dagger (so you can spend all other money on wards, courier, dust, smoke and lots of TPs).
                          Good choices are:
                          -Lion (infinite mana thanks to mana drain)
                          -Dazzle (saving allies with shallow grave like a boss, don't pick him when enemy has axe)
                          -Witch doctor (get glimmer to safe channeling, nice synergy with AoE slow)
                          -Disruptor (Glimpse ftw, kinetic rocks and his ulti with aghs disables bkb usage which is huge in late game)
                          -Crystal Maiden (she's quite item dependant tho, you will need blink and glimmer/bkb)
                          -Omniknight (yea, on lower mmr, it's good support when paired with kitable carry that profits from degen aura and repel)
                          -Shadow Demon (you can save your teammates with disruption - invoker players will be angry at you - and using it on most farmed hero nets interesting results)
                          -Venomancer (good, when your carry needs to kite enemies)
                          -Warlock (he is item dependant to be truly scary - aghs+refresher ftw, but can work with minimum)
                          -Bane (enfeeble makes enemy rightclickers do pathetic dmg, ulti is freakin awesome and nightmare is great)
                          -Vengeful spirit (good when paired with drow or armor reduction core - TA, Slardar etc)

                          Usually, it's good to have some sort of disable, because
                          -you can meet enemy on your way to put a ward, so disabling him, juking a tping away is only way to survive cuz you don't have items

                          This is written solely on my experience with solo supporting normal skill bracket so it maybe will not be accurate on high kill and vhs brackets. Feel free to criticise (constructively)

                          ASSESS Product

                            You forgot es. Dunk lord.


                              Lion is always good


                                I say treant. Save allies from across the map, best team fight ultimate.


                                  I think we can all agree on one thing there is no best support because everyones got their own play for thier own support


                                    Dark seer is totally my best support


                                      Kobold Foreman


                                        no best support i guess, omni is easily countered by diffusal blade , dazzle countered by axe ulti.. every game got different support needed so yeah


                                          Io, the ability to be anywhere on the map with someone and to sustain your carry with tether. It does have high skill cap, obviously.

                                          Story Time

                                            does silencer count as support?


                                              i like disabler support than healer support(omni, dazzle)

                                              Venus, MBA

                                                There is no best support for any situation, there's a best support for CERTAIN situations.