General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for a buddy to grind trophy levels

Looking for a buddy to grind trophy levels in General Discussion
Datta!  •)))))

    I've never been over 4-4.1k but I've played on mid comfortably against 4.5k-5k players with my team in CM. My mid is good, carry decent, offlane okay and support horrible.

    I'm looking to improve, play anything (except micro heroes :p)

    Was never able to bring myself to play solo MMR - I almost always play in a 2-3 stack or even a 5 stack, and if there's no one to communicate with on the map, I don't find the motivation to win. So, I usually practiced for party matches in solo mmr and somehow it went from 3.6 to 3.3 in a few weeks. When I began tryharding it was even worse - I'd get first pick jugger offlanes with battlefury @22min, sniper mids and stuff like that. I'm not the kind of guy to first pick invoker and lock mid (I guess cause I can't play invoker)

    Anyhow, I find it terribly sad that LP games are far more exciting than regular ones, so I'm looking for a buddy to grind some levels and maintain VHS bracket at the very least and get the most of those unranked matches - I'm sure if you're doing the same thing as me, you find those games terribly boring and even when you dominate in the end game it doesn't matter.

    I can be very vocal - if you want, we can even have skype sessions. Nowadays, I play fairly regularly - My trophy level is 12 or something atm.

    Add me!

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