General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat game situations make you play worse?

What game situations make you play worse? in General Discussion
Boobs of Travel

    In other ways what makes you panic, or stop tryharding, or make bad decisions?

    For example I tend to panic during late game situation, when enemy team have some late game monster (like spectre), and clock over your lineup relevance is ticking rapidly. It's obviously an unfavorable situation to begin with, but I seem under performing even in straight teamfights that I usually decent at.
    I often play as offlaner, and get really frustrated when enemy capitalizes on triple lane or active midlaner ganking me, diving t2 towers, without slightest reaction from my teammates. Even better, sometimes some afk jungling furion types "stop feed pls" and blood mist covers my vision. I often end up tp-ing back and feeding more cause my anger gets the better of me.
    Lastly as an offlaner or midlaner, after performing some good plays, outplaying enemy in equal or even unfavorable situation, I try to hard to "capitalize" on achieved advantage, playing overaggressive which often gets punished. Like getting first blood, then dying 3 times, effectively renders that first blood pointless, or even harmful.

    What about you?
    Of course you can say that sharing your weaknesses with hundreds of your potential enemies, isn't the smartest thing to do. But as far as I am concerned analyzing your own shortcomings, and learning how to deal with them is good way to improve, is it not?

    It came from the outer space

      When people start farming at end of game instead go to finish.


        Several things... but the most when I see my carries are unable to take the right decisions at the right time and later blame me (support) for it... it tilts me hard and make me feel like let them die the next fight


          when i forgot to mute all chat on team, then i read and hear much useless stuff, and ended up fighting with those aliens.


            When someone fucks up that shit tilts me.

            Darwincito ...

              emo(cries and break his own items in base and talk shit) and thrower behaviors i hate them, but i don't stop trying unless they throw the game very hard.


                When someone in your team dies, and then that person is talking on all chat things like "gg end, noob team "etc.


                  When some support auto attacks creeps in safelane and doesnt pull

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    Junglers, retarded supports, but most of all ppl who flame my item choices or lane/hero choices because they think they know better.

                    Boobs of Travel

                      >> but i don't stop trying unless they throw the game very hard.
                      I didn't meant I stop trying. I always play games till the very end, and even past that at some point )
                      But described situations make me play thoughtless, relying on emotions more than on wits. And I make more mistakes, obvious in retrospective.


                        If I really hate something, it's
                        1. "we need wards" from core when wards in shop are on cooldown and there are 3 obs wards plus several sentries (when invis heroes are present)
                        2. When there's enemy core chasing me all over the map and our cores just "wave as I pass by" and continue farming. I started to play Disruptor to get from these situations
                        3. Babysitting my carry and zoning enemy, when one of them drops to 40% and my carry gets something like "bloodrage" and starts chasing them (while whole creepwave and tower keep hitting him), dies and then writes "noob xxx, don't help me)

                        Of course, I'm playing in low mmr bracket (2k) so it's common, that there is a midlaner, 3 hard carries and one support.

                        ♏mikeeCS ツ

                          @Plague agreed especially no 1 and 3.
                          Even we already warding since the start, already put obs on map, and obs is on cd, carries still spamming "we need wards".
                          But same ==>
                          Of course, I'm playing in low mmr bracket (2k) so it's common, that there is a midlaner, 3 hard carries and one support.


                            Only shit that makes me MAD is if im Support and carry miss 4/5 lh.
                            WHY THE FUQ WOULD THOSE STUPID NOOBS PICK CARRY?????????

                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                              just panic if hero draft like a shit


                                Throwing. Just lack of self control in the form of throwing. worst fucking cancer ever.


                                  when aliens flaming , and carry cant last hit properly.


                                    Lategame carryes farming when we could just end the game and guys calling "gg"in the first 10 minutes.

                                    Pale Mannie

                                      Enemies perma 5 manning my lane exclusively after 12 minutes


                                        When someone flames or when I cant find space to farm I start getting picked off out of position a lot.


                                          When all enemy team is dead and we are pushing while our teammate farms jungle with aegis.

                                          ASSESS Product

                                            When my team random last pick in rank.


                                              when teammates give up and throw


                                                When all 4 nooby teammates flame ya together,

                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                  When all your team picks retarded nerfed heroes and Its obvious that game is lost before even starts.