General Discussion

General DiscussionBlademail

Blademail in General Discussion

    wtf is this, 2k gold item that you can't counter at all
    axe calls you with blademail and you're playing PA/TA/Sven/any rightclick carry? you're fucking dead
    how to play dota 2?

    Swap Commends

      Make sure u have some1 to back u up when axe calls u.
      Check my last sven game
      I did nothing but baiting axe and enemy team.


        Or stay hidden from sight till axe calls some other people. Some heroes you mentioned (TA and PA) aren't really initiators anyways, so there should be no real reason you would get caught by his taunt (unless he blinks).

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          Axe always builds blink


            Doesn't mean he gets the chance to blink every time.

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              check my normal skills sven game where people can't use mouse and keyboard at the same time when you're 5k

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                as an omniknight spammer, i find myself having to ult if axe calls the carry or they die 8/10 times. That said if the carry doesnt die you usually win the fight after axe dies.

                before axe has bkb you can euls him and usually save the carry too.


                  Eul is perfect counter item early/mid game, against blinkers like axe and LC.