General Discussion

General Discussioncalibrating

calibrating in General Discussion

    just a little experiment, so im gonna write it down if anyone wonders how much you need to stomp for "x" mmr

    1st game: ~5k average (lost first too)
    2nd game: ~4.5
    3rd game: ~4.2
    4th game: ~4.3
    5th game: ~4.3.5
    6th game: ~4.4.5
    7th game: ~4.5
    8th game: ~4.5.5
    9th game: ~4.6 (lost this one)
    10th game: ~4.6.5 (pending)

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      dude how u did it ? i mean how first game 5K average?


        first game is played exactly on the level of your hidden mmr, that can be way above 5k. you are put into mid 4ks since the 2nd one regardless, tho.


          will see, playing last game atm.


            4639. so yeah, i pretty much just spammed meepo. not sure if diversity actually matters or if first calibration game matters more than rest but yeah expected something like this considering average mmr games ive been in.
            grind gonna be real


              there were some kids who got 6.6k avg games and they were highest mmr as tbd in their first game xd


                no matter you win or lose in calibrating game just you need good play in it, if you lose and good play your MMR grow up (sry for bad english)


                  true, well for some people who are at 4k mmr who are totally dumb when it comes to map awareness etc etc..warding supporting... but we can't complain anymore the game has lost its luster... the more u complain the more chances you won't get to your mmr goal.... Miracle played for experience he got 9k mmr... most people play for mmr, they get 1k mmr or 4k mmr max and stay there forever they never go up... coz they try to beat the system instead of improving the come up with hacks and scripts and codes...thus ruining their invoker games and suck at using tinker... without scripting i doubt those 4k people can press 5-6 keyboard buttons in 1-2 seconds... only true gamers who shed their hardwork and dedication deserve to be on 5-6k and above... 4k i look at them as 1k... there are only a few 4k players who have total dominance and can easily get 5k mmr... when i calibrated the 9 games i played i had the worst teammates ever.. but i never complained i just pushed forward ended up 3.2k mmr... now if you know how to play and control your emotions and stop pointing fingers as to who will ward and who will tp and who will give way... the answer is "you" the more u complain "wtf wards please, please do this" then the more u lose... but if u do it yourself and just stay positive who knows u might end up winning the game... :)

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                    ^i have no clue what youre on about.
                    @afeect ye but was it before or after they fixed smurfing? I.e. durung zeus oracle days or after. I was wondering if i could have calibrated it higher but it looks like its maxed out near 5k