General Discussion

General Discussionhow to play bh aka how to get to mid 6k without knowing how to play dota

how to play bh aka how to get to mid 6k without knowing how to play dota in General Discussion

    lets see how much i can write down in between lpq games

    starting items sentries oov tangos no exceptions

    walk to whatever rune the enemy is going to get. this can be either side, so just figure out where the enemy mid/heroes are, go there, ur an invis hero so scouting htis out should not be hard. also look for people placing wards/check inventories for detection and stuff.

    u should pretty much always go for the bounty rune unless the other team has 3-4 heroes there and has detection.

    the general strategy ont his hero is to cause as much of a shitfest in all the lanes as possible. to do this you need to know how to suicide. pretty simple concept. whenever ur out of mana or out of hp, go suicide. buy small items (clarity, flying courier, obs, sentries if needed), then go kill urself to the nearest ancient/big camp. this is how u compensate for having shitty manapool. this is something u should do on almost every support hero in dota if ur a hero that can use a ton of mana to have a ton of impact on lanes (sky comes to mind).

    so to do this you need to understand how to evaluate lanes. this is a semi-dynamic concept as you need to understand how strong lanes on both sides are, which is pretty much the most skillful thing u have to do as a bh player. its not too hard, questions you need to ask urself

    -do they have a jungler? can i fuck with him/leech levels and punish a nearby lane simultaneously? if both of these are true, go fuck with him. if hes a hero that jungles at low hp (doom, lifestealer early on, bloodseeker when hes clearing big camps, legion sometimes as well) u can pressure lane, drop an obs in his jungle, and kill him when hes low. dont get urself caught in the trap of afk anti-jungling, its not worth it unless the heroes some super ultra non impact hero, like tinker, who just does nothing after a few minutes of fuck ups. pressuring lanes is bountys job, not leeching jungle levels and hitting junglers.

    alright i forgot someone told me to write in readable english so ill start now sorry

    -Is the enemy mid hero pressurable? Two factors here: your mid and theirs. If their mid isn't puck or windranger, odds are they're super easy to pressure. Even puck is super easy to pressure, as pucks often use orb to cs, so you wait for them to use it then jump them. Ideally, your mid hero is invoker, windranger, puck, TA, qop, or tinker, or any hero that has real kill potential on the enemy mid in conjunction with bh. Ideally they keep enemy mid at 1/2-2/3 hp all the time so this is easier.

    -How strong is my offlane? If your offlaner isn't tide/mag/shaker/zeus, odds are you can pressure the safelane a lot by catching out of position supports off guard. Make sure to check for detection, if there isn't any, this is almost always a good play, always go for the carry in the lane if the supports arent around, or the support if he is + the carry/support combos stronger than you and your offlaner. if you want to know more about lane strength post below and i can help u

    -Does my safelane need help? Theres a lot of bounties that just never show up in the safelane, but if your safelanes being contested, you HAVE to start here or start mid and quickly go there. If the enemy is dual laning, killing them multiple times is better than any other outcome you can have around the map. If your safelanes weaker than their offlane, you should do this if its possible to help them out, which it almost always is.

    So ya know how strong your lanes are, pressure the mid lane and the weaker of bottom/top, but help your safelane if they need it and its not a waste of ur time (Sacking your safelane if theres no potential to help them out is ok if you get your offlaner and mid super far ahead, but you might just lose if the enemy offlane gets out of control).
    Helpful tips

    -if its your first time going to a lane in a while, walk in aggro range of the nearest creep and away from heroes, and try to pull the creeps aggro by clicking on any hero on the map. If they aggro, theres a nearby sentry ward, so if theres 2 heroes or more in that area that can kill you together, you probably should just leave and come back later. Dewardings possible if you + your other nearby heroes are stronger together than their heroes at that moment, but you have to push them away from where the ward may be so you can deward

    -u should always suicide to rosh/ancients/big camps once or twice if you're playing bh properly

    -always go for courier snipes at the start of the game. meaning, after you try to steal the rune, go and sit between enemy t1/t2 without invis on the nearest hill/tree area where you arent in vision, then at around the 12 second mark pop your invis and wait. if youre in higher level games never do this as it never works anymore, but in <6k i dont think anyone even pays attention.

    -track as many people as possible and never throw the shuriken on the main target you're trying to kill. you can do twice as much damage if you track one hero and shuriken the other, as itll bounce in a really big range.

    -n the earlier levels of winfwalk (1-2) u can hit ur target during the fade time and the bonus damage still applies so u can apply the bonus damage twice for extra burst

    -buy urn against blink dagger heroes, use the urn on them as much as possible

    -Tell your teammates to bait as much as possible in their lanes so that its easier to kill people in those lanes, have them trade as much as possible (safely).


    e-w/q-q/w-q-q-r-q-e-e-e-e...max stats, track


    sentries tango oov

    ur main item progression is something like arcanes->mek, after this, buy as many other possible utility items as possible. blink, force, greaves, vlads, solar, lotus, lategame hex, lategame linkens, pipe/glimmer are excellent after mek to sustain vs magic spread (pipe) or single target (glimmer). possible diffusal as well if its a good item in that game.

    usually u want the first tome of knowledge, as youll be level 4-6 at this time and its a nice item on him. u dont need future tomes.

    track as many people as possible, dont get close to heroes unless its totally safe, once you have arcanes you can spam shuriken in fights and do tons of damage

    most of the tips to playing this hero are pretty much generic so i dont think i can elaborate on them too much as its just regular dota

    maybe i missed some stuff because this is one low priority queue time so maybe ill add on or something

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      pretty useful, ty


        Cya in 6k soon, thx m8

        lm ao

          I saw some streamer playing skywrath mage, as soon as he ran out of mana, he killed himself to the ancients

          Is this even legit kitrak? I mean, I actually do value my player behavior score unlike you xaxa

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            lm ao



                One tip kitbag didn't mention is in the earlier levels of winfwalk (1-2) u can hit ur target during the fade time and the bonus damage still applies so u can apply the bonus damage twice for extra burst

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                  lm ao

                    ^Nice tip too, I got to kill once because of that


                      time to spam, thhanks bountrak

                      me, government hooker

                        ?? why do u spread this cancer

                        as if this hero didnt ruin mm enough


                          DIDN'T get the suicide part.
                          You can go to base and refill mana or get clarities via couriers rather tgan commiting suicide. Explain pls.


                            You can go to base and refill mana or get clarities via couriers rather tgan commiting suicide. Explain pls.

                            because this wastes your time and resources.
                            if you suicide you respawn really fast (since you're lvl 1-2), don't lose any gold (since you bought stuff for unreliable gold) and you can go to the lanes again


                              u dont give away any gold when u have none, and die to creeps and not to the enemy heroes

                              lm ao

                                true but id rather get clarities and tangoes in this bracket anyway, nobody wards sentry mid
                                and if they do they do it so fukcing obviously

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                                  Might be common knowledge. If you try to steal the rune with invis rune, spam right click + stop command to not lose your invis.

                                  Bad thing about playing bh: he doesn't really teach you how to dota because mmr rises faster than game knowledge. Thus I went back to my mid 4K account once I got bored of playing bh.

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                                  Execute Order 322

                                    lol why do u spread this pub cancer rly


                                      Often when I try to suicide, my teammates think that I'm AFK, so they pause game or try to kill/stun jungle creeps around me to save me. Also they ping on me, spam "???" in chat or say "hello?" in mic.


                                        Damn it, this smartass guy. I cant imagine u can detect the sentry in that area using aggro.


                                          haha great title


                                            so basically spam bounty and u got ez mmr ?

                                            Magbalugtong Jr.

                                              just pick sb and bring dust. ez

                                                Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                                  ^im low skill and this hero is ez


                                                    theres no point using bh in any game under 5k


                                                      only at 5k do your shitty cores become somewhat competent and can make use of a good start


                                                        if you're 3k-4k and want to climb pick sven or enchant or lonedruid


                                                          that hurt mate, hes one of my fav hero. ok let me spam it and see the winrate so far

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                                                          stupid fuck 2000

                                                            Thanks man, I went from 7k to mid 6k in no time.


                                                              LMFAO loving the title, Cheers you none 8k scrub for the post.. I'll give it a good read.


                                                                thx kitrak, i will be 10k in no time