General Discussion

General DiscussionEmergency

Emergency in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    If you were in the middle of a ranked game, let's say 30 minutes in, and you were losing but the game was starting to turn around and you make a huge comeback and then you and your teammates get comfy enough, fully confident that the game is a win from then on, and a fire started in your living room and you could smell the smoke, what would you do?

    :thinking: Would you still play your game and deal with the fire later, or pause and hope not to lose mmr and your home? :thinking:

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    Guy Riki

      Play game. Fire can wait


        I've been stuck in low prio too long, game first.

        < blank >

          If this is a serious question then you have real issues


            Send your hero to farm jungle creeps so you dont get a afk abandon... in the meantime throw a bucket of water on the damn fire and resume as fast as you can

            That will fix it i guess


              ill throw my laptop over the fire if that would help

              Guy Riki

                If you can't play game without being interrupted you should not start game. You ruin game for 9 other people.


                  if you can die in a fire cuz you couldnt extinguish it cuz you were playing a game you should just kill urself


                    i ask afeect to log in on my account and finish my game, get rejected, give up and just dc

                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf


                      I would pause the game to stop the fire to hopefully not pay for another rig, furniture and router/modem, and once the fire is out, go back to playing dota without a single care in the world. :heart:

                      Guy Riki

                        But I always hear if you can't play game without being interrupted you should not play as it ruin games for others. I think that applies to all situation.

                        Pale Mannie

                          Free 2 Play Scootz

                            25 mmr > ur house

                            30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                              Call 911, your not a fireman, your a plauer


                                ^wow. I really feel bad for jeremy.