General Discussion









        ASSESS Product


            Here's a logic puzzle for you guy, NO GOOGLING.

            You and two of your friends go out for drinks one night but through a series of unfortunate events, end up being drugged and kidnapped by an insane serial killer. You guys wake up to find yourself on the beach, buried up to your neck. You are all buried in a straight line, facing the same direction, you being at the very front. This means Friend A can see Friend B and you whilst friend B can only see you, and you can see noone. The killer tells you that each of you have been assigned a hat; either black or white. In all, there are two black hats and three white.

            None of you can see the hat on your own head.

            On a cue, you each have to guess their own hat color or pass. You win release if at least one person guessed correctly and none guessed incorrectly (passing is neither correct nor incorrect).

            The killer starts by asking both of your friends, both of whom which choose to pass. It is now your turn, if you do not answer correctly or don't answer, you will all die. What is the color of the hat that you are wearing?

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            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY


              you can call this

              ASSESS Product

                White hat bcoz friend A cant see both friend B and you if you're wearing black hat at night kappa.

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                  [SPARTANS] KEIJI

                    Yes i will make another quiz, but aftwr this tiny little mother fuker boil on my thigh gone. I cant fuking seat, this little shit really disturbing me when i am sit while playing dotoo. And my win rate drop to 67% shit from 75.


                      Gift me the code, dude.. You haven't yet.

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                          Â INV MENYA LP PARTY
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                              @Marlan, yeah white is correct. It's honestly a really easy logic puzzle but sometimes people get stumped because they don't know where to start. I spent ten minutes wondering about it myself before deciding to look at it from another perspective.


                                K. K. K


                                  the sun ?

                                  Welt aus Eis

                                    Kool kalm & kollected

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Well honestly you have to hope your friends aren't fucking dumbasses or you are screwed.

                                      Now assuming they aren't, you can assume if both you and B's hats are black then that only leaves white hats and friend A says his hat is white cus he can do the math. Since he passes you assume one of you must have a white hat on. Now B can see your hat.

                                      This is where you have to be kind of smart. B has to deduce the above line that by passes B is telling you that one of you has a white hat. If your hat is black he would answer white, cus he knows one of you has a white hat and it sure as heck isn't yours. But he says nothing, which means he can't tell. Which means your hat is white.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        There's another really hard matrix one that I could never do. It's einstiens favorite one or invented by him.

                                        1. There are 5 houses in 5 different colours.
                                        2. In each house lives a person with a different nationality.
                                        3. These 5 owners drink a certain beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigarette and keep a certain pet.
                                        4. No owners have the same pet, brand of cigaratte, or drink.

                                        1. The Brit lives in a red house
                                        2. The Swede keeps a dog
                                        3. The Dane drinks tea
                                        4. The green house is on the left of the white house.
                                        5. The green house owner drinks coffee.
                                        6. The person who smokes Pall Mall keeps birds.
                                        7. The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
                                        8. The man living in the house right in the center drinks milk
                                        9. The Norwegian lives in the first house.
                                        10. The man who smokes Blend lives next to the one who keeps cats
                                        11. The man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill
                                        12. The owner who smokes Camel drinks beer
                                        13. The German smokes Marlborough.
                                        14. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house
                                        15. The man who smokes Blend has a neighbour who drinks water.

                                        The question is, who keeps the fish?

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                                            The pet store

                                            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                              @dire wolf u just need a table and some brain 4Head but i think im stuck

                                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                coming closer and closer PogChamp

                                                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                  got it ... first steps were the hardest

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Yeah you got it, I'm no good at matrix's so I never actually finished.

                                                    However it's a bit of a trick question. The answer appears to be the German, because it's the only pet not filled in. Though some people argue the answer is indeterminable because it could be any pet, he could have a snake or lizard. So choose your own I guess.


                                                      yeah when I was reading your quiz Direwolf, it's much easier to solve with pen and paper, since it just takes time

                                                      imo that kind of thing is only totally mindfucking when you have to do it with pure memory

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                                                      Johnny Rico

                                                        the german i solved that one already m8
                                                        This one is ez lvl, but the same tipe as the Einsten one

                                                        If you are felling bullied :

                                                        Five men, whose names are Bob Edison, Tom Stevenson, Marty Brown, Jim Davis, and John Alberts were being questioned by the police for a crime committed in their local golf house.

                                                        Other detectives have already investigated, they have questioned the suspects, the witnesses, and people who know the suspects and they have collected physical evidence from the crime scene. They have collected the following 14 clues, but have not been able to solve the crime. Therefore, they have called in the world's greatest detective: YOU, who must now examine the clues and solve the crime for them and find the culprit.

                                                        No two suspects have the same hair colour, weight, height, wife's first name, or colour shoes.
                                                        The suspect who has red hair weighs 140 pounds.
                                                        Bob Edison is 5 feet 3 inches tall.
                                                        The culprit has a wife named Mary.
                                                        The suspect who weighs 150 pounds is not the one who is 5 feet 9 inches tall.
                                                        The suspect who has a wife named Pam is not the one who has blonde hair.
                                                        Jim Davis was wearing orange shoes.
                                                        John Alberts has black hair.
                                                        The suspect who has a wife named Betty weighs 200 pounds.
                                                        Tom Stevenson weighs 210 pounds.
                                                        The suspect who weighs 200 pounds has no hair.
                                                        The suspect who has a wife named Cathy weighs 140 pounds.
                                                        Marty Brown has brown hair.
                                                        The suspect who has black hair has a wife named Mary.
                                                        The suspect who has no hair is not the one who was wearing orange shoes.

                                                        Clues : HAIR / WEIGHT / HEIGHT / WIFE NAME / SHOE

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                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          How did this thread get to this point anyway?

                                                          Johnny Rico

                                                            Because this is the only interest one.

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              cus riddles are awesome! I like riddles a bit more than logic puzzles though, I don't want to get out paper and a pen.

                                                              But I love sudoku.


                                                                Riddles are often stupid though...

                                                                Here's a logic puzzle for you. You see two sisters in the park sitting next to each other. They have the same hair, face, voice and etc. They are also born of the same two parents on the same day and same year. Essentially they're carbon copies of each other. However, upon striking a conversation with them, they reveal they are not twins. How is this possible?

                                                                Krazy Kat

                                                                  Here's a logic puzzle for you. You see two sisters in the park sitting next to each other. They have the same hair, face, voice and etc. They are also born of the same two parents on the same day and same year. Essentially they're carbon copies of each other. However, upon striking a conversation with them, they reveal they are not twins. How is this possible?

                                                                  They were on the same day and same year, but not the same month. Sisters who were born 10 or 11 months apart.


                                                                    I still can't understand the 3 gods one, its hard af. Others were easy.
                                                                    @OP are you going to do any dotabuff code riddle again ?

                                                                    Giff code plox.

                                                                    ASSESS Product

                                                                      I love riddle but english version make me confused

                                                                      M1YONG PAPLO

                                                                        cant trust ur english sir


                                                                          In all, there are two black hats and three white.

                                                                          I almost thought there where 5 hats all in all lol wtf english isn't my first language but I'm pretty sure this isn't how the problem should have been written.


                                                                            And on hindsight, why did friend A and B pass when they could have just said their hat color? It was pretty much a dick move on your part, or maybe just like the true friends they are, they like to "you only YOLO once" and drag you into it?


                                                                              Santa always leaves plans for his elves to determine the order in which the reindeer will pull his sleigh. This year, for the European leg of his journey, his elves are working to the following schedule, that will form a single line of nine reindeer:
                                                                              ReindeerComet behind Rudolph, Prancer and Cupid. Blitzen behind Cupid and in front of Donder, Vixen and Dancer. Cupid in front of Comet, Blitzen and Vixen. Donder behind Vixen, Dasher and Prancer. Rudolph behind Prancer and in front of Donder, Dancer and Dasher. Vixen in front of Dancer and Comet. Dancer behind Donder, Rudolph and Blitzen. Prancer in front of Cupid, Donder and Blitzen. Dasher behind Prancer and in front of Vixen, Dancer and Blitzen. Donder behind Comet and Cupid. Cupid in front of Rudolph and Dancer. Vixen behind Rudolph, Prancer and Dasher.

                                                                              Can you help the elves work out the order of the reindeer?


                                                                                A man stands on one side of a river, his dog on the other. The man calls his dog, who immediately crosses the river without getting wet and without using a bridge or a boat. How did the dog do it?


                                                                                  You’re standing in a hallway with three light switches on the wall, each of which turns on a different lamp inside a closed room. You can’t see inside the room, and you can’t open the door except to enter the room. You can enter the room only once, and when you do, all the lamps must be turned off. How can you tell which switch turns on which lamp?

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    "And on hindsight, why did friend A and B pass when they could have just said their hat color? It was pretty much a dick move on your part, or maybe just like the true friends they are, they like to "you only YOLO once" and drag you into it?"

                                                                                    No that's the whole point, they pass cus their hats cannot be determined and thus you are able to determine yours. Look at what I wrote.

                                                                                    This is the layout, A -> B -> You

                                                                                    If friend A saw B and you are wearing black hats, then he would yell white cus there's only white hats left. But at least one of B and you is wearing a white hat, so he can't determine his color and passes.

                                                                                    Thus at least one of B and you has a white hat. B can deduce that from A passing. If you have a black hat on then B can deduce that he must have the white one and would answer. But he can't deduce that because you have a white hat on. All he knows is at least one of you has a white hat, it doesn't confirm his color if you have a white hat. So he passes.

                                                                                    Thus you can safely assume you have a white hat.

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      "A man stands on one side of a river, his dog on the other. The man calls his dog, who immediately crosses the river without getting wet and without using a bridge or a boat. How did the dog do it?"

                                                                                      The river is small and he jumped across. Or the river is dried up and he walked across. Or He jumped on some rocks, but that might qualify as a bridge.

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        "You’re standing in a hallway with three light switches on the wall, each of which turns on a different lamp inside a closed room. You can’t see inside the room, and you can’t open the door except to enter the room. You can enter the room only once, and when you do, all the lamps must be turned off. How can you tell which switch turns on which lamp?"

                                                                                        You enter with the lamps off then yell to your buddy to turn them on one at a time. Or if the switches are close to the door just reach your arm out and turn them on one at a time.


                                                                                          @kotl of the light there were 5 hats in total, this hat logic puzzle is a common one with many variants, not some self made up craphole you seem to think i did

                                                                                          direwolf explained it perfectly well

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                                                                                            LMAO DIREWOLF WITH THAT ANSWER TO THE LAMP QUESTION


                                                                                              hint to lamp question: its related to the residual heat you get after leaving a light on for awhile

                                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                                Santa is kind of a prick but I think I got it.

                                                                                                Prancer, Cupid, Rudolph, Dasher, Blitzen, Vixen, Comet, Donder, Dancer

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  but what if the lamps are leds and don't generate enough heat?