General Discussion

General DiscussionHow the hell should I climb

How the hell should I climb in General Discussion
Swap Commends

    Stop posting bullshit & trash comments,give some productive tips.
    I fell from 3k to 2.8k.Just Bcuz of teammates who all have 35% ~ 40% wr in ranked,playing their 20% wr heroes & yet I am forced to play with them.
    When the whole team goes full retard,what the hell I should do?

    Player 175043649

      carry them to victory


        honestly GIT GUD

        acc buyers in my team

          git gud scrub


            with a name like that it seems they are not the problem and no one is going to take your sorry ass seriously

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              just git gud

              Mike Wazowski..!

                play the role you are good at..if it is carry just pick first..if you are good enough even if you get counterpicked you will perform well.. you will eventually climb..


                  im new to dota 2. got 3k before, now 3.4k even with 100 mmr games. play at SEA too. so...
                  git gud

                  Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                    from 0 to 4k just play as carry and win games because no one knows how to play any rol.. After 4k try to play as suport / offlaner because they're worst than the rest below and everybody claims "I'm the best mid / carry player of the world".
                    An advice from a 5k here.

                    PD: If you're not better than your teammates you'll never climb. that's a fact. Stop complaining about teammates and try to improve yourself


                      stop blaming others, even if they are to blame. that's an unproductive mentality.

                      figure out what YOU could have done better that game, even if your clinkz fed 10 times in 20 minutes and your shadow shaman afk'd in fountain. and be friendly (or neutral) even if your teammates suck. if you're toxic, you'll tilt more.

                      be more chill, and you'll tilt less, then play better, and help teammates play better.

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                      Swap Commends

                        ^ Yo
                        I am not blaming team.I am pointing a fact which is I have ~50 wr in ranked while teammates meet only ~30% to 40% wr which is a reason why they suck.I such cases whether u go full retard with the team & lose or ... ???
                        Fill the blank.That's my case.Looking for alt options.

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                        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                          If they have the same mmr like you they'll be matched with you. the percentile of winrate on MMR doesn't count.


                            "if game goes full retard you have to go with it, if u go only half retard or you go against it your done."


                              playing ur best and lose is more legit than be a full retard team


                                and the only advice ull get here is git gud since u will never climb mmr unless ur a smurf like some of those who comment here or u really are good and not a retard


                                  and as I browsed through ur profile I.think u pick so many different heroes.. u should have a sure win hero ahh probably just 4 that u spam cause if u want mmr its.the best way to do it I think amd diversity is not congruent to mmr unless if u r miracle :3

                                  Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                    It's really cute to see how normal skill players gives advice to another normal skill players HAHA

                                    Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                      An old proverb says: "if the game goes full retard you gotta follow"


                                        played as jugg on my friend's account, rat to victory


                                          Imo,when you just go on losing sprees,take a break from ranked and play other things.

                                          Otherwise,try not to take fights you arent in a position to win and farm and push to victory


                                            @Op - 4head!!


                                              Too win, you must become one with roshan, you gotta think like rosh, you gotta attack like rosh, you gotta sound like rosh, you gotta be rosh...
                                              Then you will win

                                              b ueno

                                                chillstep music + support hero
                                                that's how i got my +1000 mmr


                                                  play with new account man,i am exactly like that too,pub games are high skill but rankeds are normal skill and i cant resist
                                                  dont play dota

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                                                    Swap Commends

                                                      Smurfs,VHS f**ktards,boosted & bought accounts who comment on MY thread can **** my ****.

                                                      Yo,is it the proverb or just my life :))))

                                                      Yo,I try playing adaptive,like what the team needs,sadly the rest of the team don't see it.Like this one,carry es safe lane :

                                                      No worries,the force is with me

                                                      @ns kun
                                                      I hate smurfing


                                                        play carry/mid everygame so that if you lose you can blame yourself

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          umm what are you complaining about? a 5 game losing streak? You won 4 ranked in a row before that.

                                                          You're actually winning about the amount you should be.

                                                          6.87 stats = 12-11 52%
                                                          last month = 72-64 53%
                                                          last three months = 190 - 152 55.6%

                                                          all time 50.7%

                                                          Unless you significantly improve that's a pretty normal rate

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                                                                Swap Commends

                                                                  Mods ...

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                                                                      Mods pls ban kitrak from posting on normal/high skill player treads... xD

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                                                                          99% of these replies are "git gud scrub". The most piece of shit gaming community I have EVER seen. He posts because he wants advice, not your shit.

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                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            there is literally nothing else to add. The way MMR works is you stop increasing in mmr once you reach your true MMR these posts about how can i go from 2k to 5k tonight are just retarded. Any poster who starts a thread crying about his teammates alrdy derailed his own thread

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              There's no advice to offer. Statistically there's nothing weird about his games. He is actually winning over 50% and no huge streaks. He doesn't want advice he wants to bitch

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                                                                                Swap Commends

                                                                                  ^ So u spent time actually reading my thread & all of my comments.So u track me.
                                                                                  Gud first step son.

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                                                                                        Thats dota full of retards. We all know that. Sometimes you, sometimes me, sometimes the guy above me.


                                                                                          ur pure shit and u play in normal skill killl yourself


                                                                                            Kitrak flame <3 :D

                                                                                            Swap Commends

                                                                                              Oh boy, Kitrak my n1 fan.gj son


                                                                                                "When a game goes full retard go with it" _ FeedDaddyNoStop