General Discussion

General DiscussionHigh mmr ego

High mmr ego in General Discussion

    6k skywrath last pick, sees enemies have pickoff heroes and bounty hunter, still does it cuz "im 6k i can outplay others" proceeds to get rekt, manages to catch up thanks to rest of team but doesnt get any dispel for silence nor hex...

    oracle abandons safelane after getting first blood on doom, i POLITELY ask him to come back and zone him out, he doesn't even respond cuz he's 6k what do i know, he knows wat he's doing, doom gets 10 minute tranq+vlads and enemy team just snowballs and deathballs all the way,

    If they were playing in a 6k average game, they would NOT play like this, they would probably play much better. But they see the average being lower than them and they decide "lul fuk proper playstyle i can outplay every1".


    my games back when i was climbing in 4k were actually of higher quality with every1 being similar mmr, sure there were noobs and ragers but the frequency of people doing STUPID SHIT was actually a lot lower


      Well u gave the 6k in both games a support. I think that is the real reason for this. I mean both 6ks picked skywrath and oracle supports which are fun so they dont really care to win. Next time give them a carry and they'll play much better I think.

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          Skywrath was mid

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                and idk kitrak that doesn't change anything lmao

                this thread is about two things:

                1. high mmr players do stupid shit because they think they're good enough to do it but lose beacuse of stupid shit then they rage at teammates (idk how manytimes i see some shit 6k dive and die and suddenly says gg noob offlane/carry/mid when it was completely irrelevent to their death)

                2. high mmr players will refuse to listen to others

                and i play support 1/2 the time in solo queue :/, i only always core in pt


                  what are u stupid or pretending to be stupid

                  bounty hunter, prophet, windrunner, vs, they all have pickoff potential, the deathball in the new meta doesnt start until ppl get fatter cuz of the tower buffs and shit


                    idk, my point is that they're better than me

                    but in knowing that they're better they do stupid shit

                    which makes them worse than me

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                                the slow works through jug's spins and omni slash (in the case of omnislash u get in an extra hit)

                                idk it feels like crap on other heroes but its nice on jug


                                  you can divide the two attacks for a 1.2 second slow which is a useful trick with spin

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                                      MMR is just a number...

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                                          Nice analysis on the game. How do u learn this stuff?

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                                              idk try it yourself kitrak, i've won 8 out of 9 games on jug echo sabre so far, safelane farm can get u that item <10 mins and its real good that early on

                                              @fishball ??

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                                                      but im not getting it solely for the double attack

                                                      its the slow that lets u get extra hits off when chasing and it gives a bit of tankiness + mana regen

                                                      idk maybe i wouldve won all those games without it but i feel like it played a big role, im just gonna play around with it more and see whether or not its a fluke


                                                        The taco guy makes a lot of sense


                                                          sabre on jugg seems to be crap.
                                                          i saw ppl getting it on spectre, but why? on paper, it seems to be pretty bad.

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                                                              arguing with kitrat is worthless unless you wanna fuck his mom when hes replying some random post with some random holy 6ks words he will contradict 2 days later in another random post

                                                              lm ao

                                                                kitrak is ba3 xd


                                                                  Played vs sabre silver edge jug and he 1-2shot us all xd

                                                                    Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                                                      I agree! MMR is just a number. If your only playing DotA 2 just for mmr points just kill urself.. Sorry for that.

                                                                      lm ao

                                                                        Yes even with his highly supercilious posts kitrak should have his feet kissed 24/7 pogchamp


                                                                          ^^you dont have to play with the only purpose of increasing your mmr, in order to actually have high mmr. on top of that, higher mmr clearly indicates that the person knows dota better. idk why would it even hurt someone or be questioned.

                                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                            MMR is just a number. A number that goes up when you win, and down when you lose.

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                                                                              lm ao

                                                                                So should dd MingLee

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                                                                                      not literally. -,- no offense guys just accept the fact. :)



                                                                                        7.2K MIRANA

                                                                                        let me go safelane midas into aghs its good trust me :)))))))))


                                                                                          Qucik reminder guys, that you can edit your comments instead of posting multiple ones at once ;)

                                                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                            Well he can use commas and casing, but NA typing is best typinng.

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                                                                                              me, government hooker

                                                                                                it is good

                                                                                                sumail is doing it except on mid i think

                                                                                                me, government hooker

                                                                                                  fairly sure storm aghs is legit too


                                                                                                    nothing like some perspective huh?


                                                                                                      @kitrak because they're not playing at that 'significantly' better level, instead they throw or rage or blame alot which tilts me to no end

                                                                                                      i mean i've met some people like opx or midone and they're fun to play with but on the other hand i also bump into a lot of 6k ragers, like the thread is about them looking down on their opponents and then losing as a result

                                                                                                      @bonkers how does that work