General Discussion

General DiscussionBlight Stone

Blight Stone in General Discussion

    This is one of the most interesting changes to the early game in my opinion. I can see this going on almost any hero in the safe lane, helping with last hits and harassing. Its also good considering the Creep Aggro being increased to 2.5 seconds. Thoughts?


      Blight stone is a weird item that has a potential to be useful. In my opinion that use wouldn't be on most carries because I would much rather get a quelling blade to farm than a Blight Stone because quelling also lets me cut down trees. I think that the place this item should be in the early game is on supports so that they can harass better. Imagine the possibilities with a Dazzle and his yet again buffed first spell, there is where it will shine as a single item I think personally not in the hands of a carry.


        -2 armor is gud early game. u can reduce sup armor from 2/1 to 0, means remove 10% of physical dmg ressist


          only good if your carry is a hunting type or for value roshing