General Discussion

General DiscussionInjoker nerf

Injoker nerf in General Discussion
acc buyers in my team

    Invoked Spells[?] cast point increased from 0 to 0.05
    Cold Snap is now dispellable
    Ghost Walk cooldown increased from 35 to 45
    Tornado vision reduced from 600 to 200 [?]
    Forge Spirit Health/Mana changed from Exort/Quas based to Quas/Exort based
    Base intelligence reduced from 22 to 16 [?]

    Intelligence now increases your spell damage by 1% per 16 Intelligence points.

    6 slotted invoker has like 150 - 200int meaning that fuck has 9 - 13% more dmg

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      I've played 4 games since the patch. 2 of them had invoker bans, the other 2 had invoker with 20+ kills.


        These nerfs do nothing. Base intelligence makes him less OP at lvl 1 when last hitting but its not like it matter when you're like lvl 5-6.

        He still got more HP and starting mana (like everyone else), so he's almost better now.