General Discussion

General Discussionaghs gyrocopter?

aghs gyrocopter? in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    Probably the trashiest aghs upgrade right now. Doesn't make sense to buy a 4200 gold iten to have another little guy autoattacking autonomously at anyone within range at 1 attack per sec. Global range call down was way better for an alternate playstyle gyro other than pos 1 hard carry.

    Professor Dog

      It was a rubik nerf.

      acc buyers in my team

        Noone buys aghs on Gyro unless he is trolling. Might as well build aghs on antimage

        lm ao



            The worst aghanim upgrade out of all. Can be compared to bs aghanim upgrade in my perspective.

            lm ao


              mom said it's my turn to ...

                I used to build aghs on gyro as a roaming support that transitions as a split pusher mid-late game. Now it IS a legit trolling build.


                  it would be legit if it didn't autoattack randomly but at the same target


                    even if it attacked the same target its not worth it

                    the hell 4.2k for an extra attack every 1.4 seconds?

                    Dire Wolf

                      Yeah it's stupid plus doesn't affect ult so why bother? I understand wanting unique items in game, but this one it's literally pointless why waste time developing this crap?

                      There's tons of better ideas like increases flak cannon charges to 10 or makes your ult have charges that recharge every 45 seconds (current ult cd at rank 3) up to a max of three charges (you can drop three ults in a fight), or the first missile stuns for 2-3 seconds, something like that.


                        It might be good in some situations. it lets you run down people better since you can run next to them and the gunner will shoot, so you don't need to keep stopping to attack. It also lets you continue attacking while running away from someone.

                        If you build flat damage and no attack speed then ags will theoretically double your damage to a single target. Or it might just be terrible.


                          aghs = double damage

                          you heard it here first folks


                            its not that useless though cz u dont need to stop to attack with aghs, and it deals just as much dmg as ur rightclick does


                              its super useful for handicapped people that have trouble moving their mouse


                                does it proc flak or trigger orb effects ?


                                  orb effects definetely work


                                    The only way I see it work whwn u die every time in a chrono in late
                                    Then u buy that+satanic and u regen in that but any other situation. givea good stats


                                      It's really just for if you have an Alchemist on the team


                                        good alchemist upgrade, else shit.

                                        Speaking of agahnims, sf's good (+80% damage on ult, +20 damage)

                                        Storm is kind of good.
                                        Oracle's exellent
                                        es's special, interesting at least (puck feeling :p)

                                        All the new other are kind of bad, to very bad (hi potm)

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                                        lm ao

                                          matrice i just saw sumail shitting on skrubs with aghs midas potm xaxa


                                            lol aghs potm is probably the most op thing in this patch.. btw do you take damage from blade mail on the passive fhlak of gyro cause that would be so sad :3


                                              I take my comment back.. sf probably have better buff together with storm.. requim = instant kill and prob heal you 80% hp and storm aghs might be broken on the professional scene where blink + vortex ensures ez initiation with little consequence due to low cooldown and ez escape for storm if it failed

                                              mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                ^would take up too much farm for storm to fill in an initiator role comparable to magnus. Puck basically does the same job but with even lesser consequences and she doesnt need too much farm to do that.

                                                Still wondering what was going on in icefrog's head when he reworked gyro's aghs


                                                  btw, to make a comparison to other item. agah's = moonshard + some stat but random attack target


                                                    Buys aghs on gyro and has mkb, ulted by enigma but side gunner mini bashes him = legit


                                                      also good if you have satanic but stunned, if ur chronoed but you have enough damage to stay alive with life steal off gunner