General Discussion

General Discussion6.87 Arc is overnerfed

6.87 Arc is overnerfed in General Discussion
Aegon the Conqueror

    This guy is currently sitting in ~36% win rate and keeps on decreasing and gonna become one of the worst hero in the history of Dota according to his win rate, pick rate and KDA ratio.

    so so fresh

      - Hmmmm what a shitty hero how can I safely remove it?
      - OUUUU I GOT AN IDEA !!!11
      - 6.87
      (c)guess who

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        They didnt overnerf him. He's more a teamfight support hero now, what he actually was intended to be. Not this afk fountain rapira/necro/bkb/midas shit.


          This winrate drop just points that players have no alternative builds other than rapier-midas-necro3-travel one. And they don't know how to collaborate with this hero.


            Arc is support now, somewhat similar to Oracle or Shadow Demon.


              i liked the "afk fountain rapira/necro/bkb/midas shit" because it was an alternative way of playing dota
              like farming carries, splitpush heroes,...
              now nothing but brainless 5v5 is viable


                People are just waiting for the pro's or good players to do something original with him. Too lazy to come up with their own ideas.


                  Rapiers needed to go, not sure what the midas bullshittery is


                    It's fiiine, I don't mind if I dont't see that hero at all, they can even remove him, I wouldn't miss him, so it's fiiiiiiiiine.

                    Execute Order 322

                      Like the concept of new arc warden
                      gotta try it in pubs
                      always thought he could be a good sup

                      Dire Wolf

                        because the rapier necro build was bullshit and obnoxious. It's like techies, only guy having fun is the one playing techies/arc. Your team doesn't like 4v5'ing while you split push and make games last over an hour win or lose, and enemy team doesn't like winning or losing a game 45-15 after an hour either.


                          io and earth spirit had like 30% winrate at some point