General Discussion

General DiscussionSo who is going to be the OP bull shit hero this patch?

So who is going to be the OP bull shit hero this patch? in General Discussion

    Axe? PA? Timbershit?

    < blank >

      Dragon Knight


        Axe, timbersaw, omni and necro

        Disposable Hero



            carry silencer,just wait)))


              Lel. Every item hates PA.

              me, government hooker

                definetly ench

                you realise u need to have vision on the target to hit it from base right?


                  yes but wards or a clockwork make that ez


                    Pa axe and lich

                    Pale Mannie

                      Tiny with echo sabre eats towers for breakfast

                      He will be the pushing cancer

                      Dire Wolf

                        Sniper still sucks dick as a hero but that dragon lance force staff combo plus a better silver edge might see him make a comeback. You can counter the silver edge easily enough but then he can force staff away.

                        Gospodin Popara

                          Nobody here mentioned slark...I think he will be one of the strongest carries


                            Ya slark should be strong carry


                              axe probably


                                Axe scales to late game now ,


                                  Enchantress, I hope PA




                                      Hopefully Terrorblade, it's been so long since he's been viable BibleThump

                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                        Shhh, don't talk about terrorblade. I'm hoping the scrubs don't know so I can get back to 3k onto 4k.

                                          Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                            Axe. the pure dmg spin is ok, the blademail bullshit is absurd though.

                                            Spectre is still good, and with OD omni kinda gone, spec seems like the go-to for free points.

                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                              PA is ba3

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                It's not going to be fucking PA, that hero is still dog shit, just pick one of the million carries silver edge is good on. Since it got massively buffed reducing cost 850g and adding 15 agility and int, it's good on like every right clicker. Every hero, int, str, agi gets 45 dmg, 45 attack speed, 300 hp and invis with break. One of the best items in the game now. Before it was mad expensive and just strength made it situational.

                                                I think it's going to be troll once echo sabre build catches on.

                                                ASSESS Product

                                                  Axe combo witht other healer especially dazzle are so broken in early game.


                                                    why doom?


                                                      ES, the original one, that shakes you to your cores.

                                                      el niño peruano

                                                        jugger, storm


                                                          Earthshaker aghs ez


                                                            Surprised nobody's mentioned Sven. Already really strong in 6.86, is a great late game carry, 6.87 favors late game, can easily catch up from behind (Spectre much?), STR carries got buffed, melee carries got buffed, Echo Sabre exists (Debatable as to whether it's good on slot-starved Sven but the +INT is very helpful and one-shotting supports with cleave damage can't be bad), and Heart got a big buff as a late game item now giving 135 damage under God's Strength. All this combined with Sven's relatively self-sufficient early game is going to make him a pretty bad cancer I think.


                                                              Lich is the op cancer hero this Patch ofc. Lol fuck pa axe and even slark


                                                                lich is so good atm.. safe lane never sees a ranged creep =(

                                                                Axe is also strong as fuck.. hero used to be just a disable after 30 mins but now he can solo carries through bkb...

                                                                From my experience echo sabre is pretty lame, a moon shard is way more dps and you can free up that slot later.


                                                                  So spam slark then? I don't mind


                                                                    Blade Mail. It's been one day and I'm already sick of this idiot item. It's literally 100% foolproof, 100% uncounterable, there is nothing you can do about it. What's the fucking point of BKB if it doesn't work against anything.