General Discussion

General DiscussionEmber Echo Sabre

Ember Echo Sabre in General Discussion
stupid fuck 2000

    Do you think it works the same way shadow blade used to with sleight of fist?

    Эта тема была изменена

      Try it..

      stupid fuck 2000

        I would but i'm not at home currently.

        Mike Wazowski..!

          even if it did they would fix it before you came back

          Vem Comigo

            and kunkka, it doubles the tide cleave?

            Endless Autumn

              Trash idea. ember not right click hero.

              [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                You people also need to realise that it has a cool down and a delay. No double cleave kunkka, no ember synergy. Nada.
                It is good for str slowing hitting heroes, perfect example is tony. Is also very good on proc heroes, void spirit breaker. Or on heroes that need to rightclicked to build up their gimmick like slark or troll

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Try it on lc


                    Nyx assasin vendeta ? Saber work?

                    mom said it's my turn to ...


                      I like that name. Tony the stone giant vs gary the golem. Fightoooo

                      Dire Wolf

                        It doesn't do two attacks, it makes you next attack happen like instantly but you still have backswing animation and stuff, so it won't work with any kind of proc things like tidebringer cus it's two separate attacks.


                          it didnt do shit when i tested it