General Discussion

General DiscussionDragon knight + abyssal blade = unkillable?

Dragon knight + abyssal blade = unkillable? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Or would this just be a stupid idea and overkill? I mean he'd have 40 dmg block, 20 in dragon form and 27 hp regen. That's a lot of hp regen! And on a hero this tanky with that much ehp... idk he'd be pretty tough to bring down.


      Problem is farming that item on him in the first place. Also, getting it early is not best thing by any means, and getting it super late is also not so good.

      It's not bad, but it's not so good. I think you made a good point when you said that abyssal blade migt be forgotten soon.

      I don't see it as good pickup for heroes such as Slark/Jugg/Sven/etc.

      Could be decent on antimage, if you want to skip vlads and go for Dota 1 vanguard AM build, not sure tho.

      I still think vlads is better pushing/farming item and a bit worse than vanguard for fighting.

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      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        I wouldn't say unkillable. May be if abyssal blade kept the same damage as before, but it's definitely not going to be seen as often on heroes that used to use the item.

        I will be playing some Abyssal on Axe though! Especially since it still breaks through linkin's and bkb


          No point, during ult which is the only time you really want to be fighting it only provides 10% bash chance and out of ult you already have dragon tail to stun for you. The 40 damage block is pointless at the 40-60 mins range where you might want to buy abyssal and the damage block is reduced during the time you want to be fighting. There's no point to the hp regen as dragon blood gives you that. Why get more of what you already have plenty of? If you really want to regen after fights upgrade your life steal to a satanic and just use the active to get full hp in 4 hits on creeps. I'd say you would be better off going for a skadi and if you don't already have one an assault curaiss

          Dire Wolf

            Well 40 block is still significant late. It's like a 10-20% reduction to enemy dmg even late but I get the point about being in ranged from.


              abyssal not going out so much as its not better for agiliti right clich heros than need the little extra endurance like bloodseekr pa antimage forsure replace heart riki etc.


                and farming abyssal on on a dragon knight not hard his ult after lvl 11 gives him an aoe attack and with his aoe flame abiltit he can clear waves super fast even without creeps