General Discussion

General Discussion6.87 Sven with Echo Saber = gg?

6.87 Sven with Echo Saber = gg? in General Discussion
waku waku

    With all the threads based on the new patch lately I had felt the urge to make my own since nobody had covered this subject yet. His ultimate seems to be THE go-to tool with this item to deal fucktons of damage. Compared to heroes who have inbuilt crits and would have to build damage items instead for it to work, Sven can just build a Crystalys with an Echo Sabre. While they have to build shit like desolator, which is more expensive than the sabre, Sven can easily just attack someone else to get around the armor. He'd also have a much easier time clearing hard stacks early on because of how damage works for him.

    And don't even get me started on what would happen if someone else's on the deal and helps him deal damage. Yup...


      I dont think he ever had much problems with stacks...

      Im trying to think of who echo is going to be good on, sven is definitely a good one.


        What about PA?
        Stifling Dagger now does a real physical attack for 60 + 25/40/55/70% of your attack damage. All attack effects work and behave as if your hero performed them.

        Wondering how funny would it be to crit twice from dagger distance. Also, that 0.6 100% MS/AS reduction could be treated as an interrupt to attacking / moving

        Could also be very funny if it works on illusions, PL and CK could have an interesting go with it
        Slark comes to mind too, easy parts that give you some needed mana reg, ias, dmg and HP. Weaver-Slark is future

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        Magbalugtong Jr.

          I think that es new aghs upgrade is kinda good but its ez to dodge a totem enow spcially in close range cos es will spend time while on the air

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            Dune, the Desert Planet

              You mean Sven is the best hero ever? Yeah, sounds right.


                Slark. Essence shift is going to be OP

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                    M8, my frist though was about \o.O/


                      You buy it 2nd after the ogre club on sven. On slark, IDK.

                      ^^^Passive doesn't work on ranged heros.

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                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                        I think this item will work for Tiny, Wraithking, or Bara but not needed for sven

                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                          I dont think this item will be relevant at all. Kinda expensive for the effects it gives and takes up valuable inventory slots for much more valuable items

                          =BS= Jarno

                            It seems really good with 5 sec cooldown, basically means whenever your going to jump on someone you get 1 quick extra attack, that's some nice extra burst dmg, and it's way more reliable the critales

                            I think it will be good on slow but hard hitting hero,s like tiny, wk and yes sven definitely falls in that category
                            And trolling players that want to play treat carry

                            Not so much on pa or ursa since the extra attack likely does count to the number of quick attacks you get for overpower and Phantom strike

                            Overall it seems to me agi caries are getting the least out of this patch. Street carries get more hp, and can counter thier slow attack speed with an item like this, int carries can stack spell dog. Agi carries don't really get any improvements

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                            Miku Plays

                              pudge echo saber !!!!!!!!!

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                It's good on slow farmers, not on Sven.


                                  slark PA and if it works on illusions PL and CK would love it, imagine CK with all the illusions hitting double with double crit proc and slowing them in the rift or stun area gg CK, i dont think it would be good tho on sven he should 1 or 2 hit kill, no need for this item, also maybe naga or night stalker could use it

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Sven farms super fast, runs out of slots fast, it's not going to be very good on him. If you go blink, treads, save a slot for tp, s&y, bkb, daedulus, you're done, 6 slotted. Adding an echo sabre there is just not strong enough of an item, you're going to add an end game item like AC or heart or more dmg.


                                      i tried sabre + daedalus on sven and skipped SnY.... and guess what ! i killed invoker in 1 hit !!! 2 with echo obviously


                                        Sven is not even meta now. PA is the new pubstomper.

                                        waku waku

                                          yeah s&y is trash on sven in my opinion since you already have blink and it even got nerfed lmao
                                          and it's not even the kind of item you would want to keep for endgame

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            and echosabre is?

                                            Mike Wazowski..!

                                              Sven farms too fast for it give him any value..


                                                That shit was made for TONY. Lets him punch bitches twice, gives him mana 4 days so he can spam farm with spells. it fixes all tonys problems (except for the -5bizillion base armor problem).


                                                  imo it works if you get it instead of sny
                                                  i'm spectating a game with sven echo and it's pretty good


                                                    Echo sabre is an item best for bara, slardar,void offlane. Any1 else feel the same and get my point?


                                                      Kitrak please stop talking

                                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                        Troll Pubstomplord is a great choice.


                                                          could have been awesome if it stacked with tidebringer of kunkka