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General Discussionskill brackets

skill brackets in General Discussion

    i have this new account and i am always stuck at normal skill bracket

    my blog :

    go check my avg gpm , xpm , avg kda ratio

    and kda in some matches i deserve at least to be put in a high skill bracket

    i see other accounts with changing in skill bracket by an effort lesser than mine


      stomping 1k mmr does make u a 2k mmr player, but not necesarilly a 3k one. stats are only relevant relative to the skill level.


        man im busting my but off in games to have a high kda high last hits high gpm and im still stuck , what a player suppose to do more than that ?

        Change 2 anime grl dp ski...

          WIN. sadly some games you can play the best that anyone ever has but in your case at least you need to recognize you have room to improve work on it and keep on working hard


            its not about ur stats, its about how good you are. like, a 4k+ player wouldnt struggle getting vhs in the very first games without focusing on any of those and tryharding just because he's just more skilled. ud better focus on learning to play, honestly.


              you guys can you explain more ? be more precise :)



                check this guy's account he moved to high skill even though he had low stats in games before

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                ASSESS Product

                  Thats bcoz he play in SEA server kappa


                    Just Win m8. It's not the stats of the game. It's your overall win-rate. If you already calibrated, then you need a higher MMR. Although AFAIK, you already have a hidden MMR, based on the ELO system(Correct me if I'm wrong).

                    ASSESS Product

                      Idk if how this hidden mmr is based on are already change. its not only about kda gpm xpm, but also how much dmg skill you used to enemy, tower dmg, pushing etc. Thats why a lot smurfer will spam tinker coz his skill do much dmg, can push, and high kda.


                        U dont get all the last hits. Your AM game shows it obviously. 380 lh in a 46 min match is very very low.


                          Dude play mid lanes like invoker etc. Try your best, even you lose as long as your gameplay is good you will be on high skill and vhs
                          I don't play supp. Right now

                          Eternal Ember

                            Just master Ebola spirit. Playing pro support

                            Not Trying!

                              To the retard who said SEA is easier.. why dont u try doing some research before cocking here? SeA and China is one of the hardest servers when it comes to mmr gaining through pub games.. I am so lazy to go into details just coz of one retard.. but think abt it in sheer number of players alone and u would have an idea..

                              Btw I have a few friends who went frm sea server to eu/americas and grinded 2k mmr on average.. owh most of them went frm 3k's to mid 4/5k.. all this while thr on a few months into their 2 year study trip..

                              Btw back to the topic.. I think u r doing well buddy.. continue doing what u r doing.. u have to be the one controling the tempo of the game.. make right decisions and know when to push and take fights.. be involved.. I dont really know what determines it.. but I noticed whenever do the RIGHT things in game u will get bumped to hs/vhs..this includes kda,hd,td,hh,rotations, wards, Apm and ur involvement in team fights..

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                              Not Trying!

                                I would actually agree with calm ur teeths.. pick a mid hero whr u can control the tempo of the game or pick a position 3/4 rotating offlaner or rotating support..