General Discussion

General Discussion3k Team Looking for a Mid

3k Team Looking for a Mid in General Discussion
Why0 (3!)

    We are looking for a mid player for our 3k team. Ideally we would like this player to around 3.5k mmr but below is fine if you can prove your skill. Due to the meta we are looking for a team-first player. The player would need to play from the hours 3-6 est and speak fluent english.
    If you want to apply please post on this discussion with your 3 best mid heroes and your steam name. You also must be able to play on the us east server.

    Эта тема была изменена

      Didnt you have a thread before for this team?

      Why0 (3!)

        Yes i did, quite a few, but those were all in the hopeless search for a p5 that we eventually found, this one is for a new mid after our old one didnt work out

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              Just a 2.9k scrub here, but you might want to include something like server(s) and time zones in your post.

              Why0 (3!)

                Just updated, thanks barbados

                Why0 (3!)

                  Just updated, thanks barbados

                  Why0 (3!)

                    spunki, you have 8 games on your record, is this a mistake?


                      You might want a man ryt here


                        Add me

                        Player 215168758

                          I got 300 ping on US east server. Thats too bad


                            Can I? :/ this is my new acc. But I'm 3700 my other acc


                              Omg me me me! Can I play? Add my main acc

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                              lm ao

                                pls no posing pls @0.0

                                registered flex offender

                                  I'm decent ... I think. If you're still looking for someone hmu plis.

                                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                    its just a smurf acc; this is my real acc


                                    add me to discuss


                                      My last invoker game should be enough

                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                        This sounds like it could be very fun.

                                        My mmr on here is inaccurate since I have it hidden, but I'm stuck in 2.7 solo currently (2.8 party I haven't party ranked in over 3 months).

                                        I was 3.1k and dropped hard due to playing like a moron.

                                        My mids would be Nightstalker, Skywrath, Lina. I like nuking, od is fun, but not fast enough for me and ez to counter, despite him being meta.


                                          I play any hero. You already have me added. I mid to mmr climb. Check my dota buff if interested.