General Discussion

General Discussionslark?

slark? in General Discussion
Mike Wazowski..!

    How about a position 4 Bloodseeker to counter him? Play BS like Doom.. Slark cannot run away and reinitiate in fights..

    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

      -DOOM as offlane and try to be agressive (just if they have not a agressive trilane).
      -As support you can play with disablers+blink , get ghost scepter.
      -As carry you can play as anti mage(If you are really sure that you can farm properly) You can escape with blink from "pounce".
      -Juggernaut, Legion Commander, tiny, are very nice too against him.
      -Necrophoss (If your team have a lot of DPS) he can't escape from reaper.
      -Omniknight is also good.
      -Item choice (as suport , mid or utility ): Ghost scepter, euls, force staff / blink dagger(Remember that force staff doens't work to escape from pounce). Glimmer cape, heaven halberd, solar crest.
      -Item choice (As carry, mid , cores generally): Abyssal, hex, bkb.


        Get orchid on clinkz. He will be screwed.


          Used to rekt with slark..nowdays evryone just fcks this hero when i play him.Heroes like Lc, Es ,Lion,skywrath etc are just like direct counters raping him early or late.


            isnt lion and skywrath food for slark

            K¡ng D¡ng-a-l¡ng

              Omniknight = ez counter


                aoe stuns supports and/or with escape/bulk is super annoying
                they can just push down a lane and slark doesnt deal enough tower dmg to split push as efficiently compared to other carries i feel
                disables that goes through pact like dual and reaper is good too

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