General Discussion

General DiscussionAlways rankeds VS a bit of rankeds+unrankeds

Always rankeds VS a bit of rankeds+unrankeds in General Discussion
Execute Order 322

    I saw some people on this forum, who claimed that playing only ranked games is senseless. They justified it by the point that the skill of an average player doesn't improve quickly. Therefore, it's better to play a lot of normal matches and when it feels like your skill has improved, playing some small amount of rankeds, get a bit of easy mmr, and go back to normal games again for more practice. To put it simple, their advice is to play rankeds only when you feel that you became better in dota. Otherwise, playing rankeds and staying on the same lvl of mmr for a long period of time (since you don't improve quickly and you will have ~50% wr) will get you frustrated and stressed, making you feel like you're wasting your time (those days when u get like 5 games winning streak and 5 loses straight afterwards).

    What do you think? What way of playing is better in your op?


      if you actually feel stressed, then it does make sense. however, in this case it might be a good idea to switch to some other game instead of dota.

      on the other hand, if you are having fun playing dota, this concept you suggested doesnt make much sense. you are just decreasing our own rate of improvement for no reason.

        Этот комментарий удален модератором

          play ranked to improve your level of skill, there's too much variation when you're playing unranked and people don't take it seriously until 5 man winfarming stacks match up against each other


            10 game ranked
            5 win 5 loss = dont play at all

            never get strong 1000 hour forever 2k

            just enjoy dota buddy

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