General Discussion

General Discussionzeus starting build

zeus starting build in General Discussion

    what items do u buy at the start?
    i go for talisman + faerie + 2 clarity

    but many people say that tali is useless and best starting build is bottle rush


    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Talisman delays the bottle way too much, don't do it unless you are confident that you can get last hits with autoattack.


        talisman is just bad, u cant contest creeps with ur rightclick anyways


          i was wrong then

          Pale Mannie

            Never go faerie as zeus
            garbage rightclicks

            3 clarity 1 tango into bottle

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              2x Clarity + 1 or 2 Shared Tangos

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                  You'll get vail anyways, so talisman should be fine immo


                    one branch, 2 clarity, 2 pooled tango


                      u can get it after bottle, and mb after boots, too
                      delaying ur bottle sucks
                      mb just na dota things tho

                      me, government hooker

                        one branch, 2 clarity, 2 pooled tango

                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                          Why the fuck would you buy a +9 DMG item on a hero that doesn't even hit?

                          Kitrak you are on a nine lose strak as Zeus. MB drop the Null?


                            (3.8k) I personally LOve Talisman + shared tangoes and 1 clarity. I play Zeus a good bit and I do fine stealing a last hit or two with a deny fake out. that + the extra HP/Mana is worth it. Plus He is a viel hero so if u decide to go viel later there is no better time to get the Talisman then when stats are at their best.

                            I love low tiers!

                              2 GG branches and a Faerie Fire

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                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  NA dota delusion is strong with this one.

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                                      Player 175043649

                                        2 clarity and straight bottle
                                        just lasthit with your skill 1


                                          lol 31% winrate on zeus, still thinks he's doing ok


                                            tangos and clarity is the best option you have, amount varies from game to game, mostly i recommend 3 claritys since you're probably gonna need some mana when you finally decide to gank
                                            my personal opinion is to continue doing what u're doing since nobody that posted in this thread has a higher zeus winrate than you. (myself excluded)

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                                                      dont play zeus
                                                      his weak as fuck
                                                      play dp puck invoker od


                                                        Talismans fine for somewhat quite a few matchups if it's hard just go 1clarity into bottle rush

                                                        That's the build a 6.5k zeus spammer friend does
                                                        Winrate doesn't matter in 2016

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                                                          U don't go multiple clarities on him if ure bottle rushing cos it delays ur bottle for no reason and now u can't take 2min rune


                                                            just buy 2 clarity lol
                                                            and rush bottle amedietly

                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet



                                                              If you start with two clarities you can send Bottle back and get two minute rune.


                                                                yea thats true i was mistaken i think
                                                                in any case u can send the extra clarities when you bottle crow the 1st time, and you wont be needing 2 clarities before, so you are needlessly delaying the bottle

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                                                                  3 clarity 2 branch 1 faerie fire . you can get your bottle before 2 minute rune,


                                                                    alright i didnt state my point clearly, you cant bottle crow once before the 2 min rune

                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                      ^ yes you can. You can buy Bottle, send it to fountain and get it back in time to get 2 min rune. If you start with 1 Clarity this is 100% achievable, with two you gotta be real fast.


                                                                        its achievable for sure but there is 0 point in doing so, you can choosesend clarities over during the first bottle crow (<2min) if you want
                                                                        plus if u start 1 clarity you can get your boots for the 2 min rune in 8 creeps (meaning you choose not to send extra clarities)

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                                                                          lm ao

                                                                            bump for NAxEU bitchery brouhaha

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                                                                                Hey guys I picked zeus, bought veil, pressed R and 2 times Q got a rampage OSfrog balanced WutFace balanced #skill #hardwork

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                                                                                ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                                                                  When I play Zeus I still make soul ring for first item LoL.